Kurt DelBene, the assistant secretary for the Office of Information and Technology and chief information officer at VA, said he is adding more rigor to the process to get systems and application on the network.
Spy agencies are ramping up partnerships with the commercial space industry and using artificial intelligence to help sort through all the data.
CFTC’s mission is to watch out for manipulation of financial markets, and supervised machine learning can help.
Many agencies are unlikely to hit an end-of-year deadline for transitioning away from paper records.
For many years the Department of Veterans Affairs has worked to make it easier for veterans to access VA services. Now the department is two months into an effort to make it easier for vendors — and what the department calls "innovators" — to put their services and capabilities before VA program and contract people. It's a website called Pathfinder.
A growing number of federal agencies are exploring machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence to further their missions or improve services to citizens.
DoD and the Air Force are currently considering 11 schools to lead the center.
The House Select Committee on Modernization seeks ways to gain traction on pre-existing recommendations to make Congress more technologically savvy.
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency is taking the lead on security clearance reform and expanding its new system of automated record checks.
The Internal Revenue Service is handling more of its call volume through automation, which gives its call-center employees more time to address more complex requests from taxpayers.
The Honoring Our PACT Act would expand disability compensation and health care benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances during their military service.
Automation can help VA process survivors claims when a veteran passes away, which currently takes more than two months on average.
The CDAO team merges major Defense Department's tech efforts, bringing together a range of DoD innovation leaders.
A Virginia National Guard thinks it's found a way to save the Air Force hundreds of thousands of man hours each year just by auto-filling a single form.
Spy agencies are starting to organize around a set of common standards and data for using open source intelligence, but challenges remain.