The program launches initial operating capability today. GSA expects the first set of provisionally approved cloud service providers to be ready in December. In the meantime, agencies are holding vendors accountable for coming very close to FedRAMP standards.
CIO Adrian Gardner said he will pilot the technology this summer. VDI also will help with foreign nationals who need access to some of the space agency's data for collaborative projects. Gardner said the Innovations program is looking other leading-edge software.
CIO Lt. Gen. Susan Lawrence said better systems at posts, camps and stations will let soldiers train on the same equipment as they use in the field. The move to the cloud, data center consolidation and enterprise email are pushing the Army toward a data-centric approach. May 31, 2012
Todd Park, chief technology officer of the United States, will talk about Datapalooza, and solutions to federal healthcare IT problems. May 29, 2012
Siemens Enterprise Communications Director of Federal Sales Russell Brodsky will talk about telework and collaboration is changing at your agency. May 28, 2012
The Financial Management Service moved many of its day-to-day IT operations to the Bureau of Public Debt. FMS is providing oversight and guidance for IT systems in return. John Kopec, FMS's chief information officer, said his next set of priorities is to use business intelligence and analytics tools on the data from the shared service providers. May 24, 2012
CIO Tommy Hwang said the agency is receiving more documents electronically from agencies and law firms than ever before. He also is moving the email system to the cloud and developing a BYOD policy. May 17, 2012(Encore presentation June 28, 2012)
Aileen Black, vice president of public sector at VMware, an IT virtualization company, joined Industry Chatter to discuss virtualization at federal agencies.
Vendors wanting to provide cloud services to the government must first receive support from these nine organizations that they are meeting the cloud computing security controls.
Red Hat Chief Technology Strategist Gunnar Hellekson joins host John Gilroy to talk about how his company helps federal agencies with their open software needs. May 15, 2012
National Defense University's Dr. Paulette Robinson will talk about the upcoming "Inspire the Future" conference in Washington D.C. May 11, 2012
The BEN Enterprise brings together the Treasury Department bureau's data about finances, procurement and printing. Now Peter Johnson, BEP's chief information officer, wants to add business and analytics tools. May 10, 2012
Tom Simmons, area vice president for Citrix, details the tools provided by his company to help you manage virtualization in a more effective manner. May 8, 2012
The Pentagon will begin testing cloud-based joint networking environment in Europe this summer. Effort aims to eliminate seams between service-and-mission-specific networks.
Chuck Riddle, the Government Printing Office's chief information officer, said he's focused on innovation around five areas. The agency is piloting several new technologies, including mobile apps and a virtual desktop. May 3, 2012