Cloud Computing

  • Steve Kousen, vice president of Cloud Email and Collaboration Services at Unisys will discuss what agencies and contractors can expect as they move some of their services to the cloud. April 2, 2013

    April 02, 2013
  • Rick Kerestesy and Doug Berry from the Ambit Group discuss how federal CIO's can effectively enact and manage change. March 22, 2013

    March 22, 2013
  • The Army expects to mostly finish the migration to enterprise email by the end of this month. The Air Force and the Navy begin pilot tests using the cloud applications.

    March 14, 2013
  • Tony Varano, founder and CEO of DSG, joins host John Gilroy to discuss how to improve healthcare data collection. March 12, 2013

    March 12, 2013
  • FedRAMP and other initiatives are helping CIOs become more comfortable with securing data and applications in the cloud. But changing the way agencies buy, manage and oversee technology is a bigger roadblock in moving systems to the cloud.

    March 07, 2013
  • Doug Nash, the Forest Service's CIO, said he sees great promise in using a PC-on-a-stick to let employees securely connect back to the network, save data from the field and do work from anywhere. Forest Service will release a mobile strategy and architecture in the coming weeks. February 21, 2013

    February 19, 2013
  • Lola Jordan and Fred Rowell from Companion Data Centers will discuss data center consolidation, cloud computing, social media, and more. February 12, 2013

    February 12, 2013
  • Cancellations of in-person meetings press DoD's Web conferencing system past its limits. The Defense Information Systems Agency will complete upgrades by Feb. 15.

    February 08, 2013
  • Gary Barlet, the OIG's chief information officer, is taking a three-pronged approach to helping employees access data from anywhere, at anytime. The steps include virtualization, a BYOD strategy and cloud services. February 7, 2013

    February 07, 2013
  • The concept of big data isn't new. The intelligence community and the Defense Department have understood the benefits of analyzing information to find enemies or determine intentions of nation sates. But with the acceptance and move to cloud computing and mobile devices, every federal agency now has the opportunity to make data work for them. But most federal agencies are struggling to manage and use information to make better decisions. This discussion will look at different use cases of how the public and private sectors are dealing with the deluge of information that is coming at them every day, and how they are using that data to make mission-critical decisions.

    February 06, 2013
  • Federal chief information officers remain concerned with securing their agencies' networks and systems. Cybersecurity ranked first in a list of CIOs priorities in an exclusive survey conducted by Federal News Radio. Also among CIOs' top priorities were moving back-office or commodity IT systems to the cloud and using IT to ease the budget pressures facing agencies. Roger Baker, assistant secretary for information and technology and chief information officer of the Veterans Affairs Department discussed the survey results on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    February 01, 2013
  • The Food and Drug Administration's new Information Management Strategic plan is helping to create a new infrastructure to support using data to meet its mission. January 24, 2013

    January 24, 2013
  • Susie Adams, Microsoft's chief technical officer for Federal Sales joins host John Gilroy to discuss four surprising facts about Microsoft and the federal government. January 22, 2013

    January 22, 2013
  • The Department of the Navy is finding real dollar savings by moving to enterprise software licenses, managing mobile devices and services better and reducing the number of printers and the amount printed. Terry Halvorsen, the DoN CIO, said they are on track to meet the goal of cutting 25 percent of their IT budget in five years. January 17, 2013

    January 17, 2013



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