Brent Stacey is chief information officer and information management director at the Idaho National Lab.
Acting CIO Howard Hays said the agency is taking advantage of the work VA is doing to update its systems. Indian Health Services borrows heavily from VA\'s VistA electronic health records system. November 17, 2011(Encore presentation December 29, 2011)
Host John Gilroy will talk cloud computing, health IT, and mobile technology with Tracey Graves-Stevens, President and CEO of Innoviss. November 15, 2011
Yogesh Khanna, the chief technology office of CSC\'s North American Public Sector, has compiled his list of top 10 lessons learned.
Darren Ash, deputy executive director of corporate management at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, will talk about how the agency is using youtube and other social media. November 8, 2011
Alexander says the cloud not only cuts IT costs but makes it easier to protect assets, according to Computer World.
Karen Evans, former e-gov administrator, discusses the website she launched to provide a forum on cloud computing in government.
The Homeland Security Department and NASA moving to the cloud to support mission needs and reduce the cost and effort to support back-office systems. Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel said he is focusing on four areas of cloud: agencies, procurement, international and cybersecurity.
Netuitive Vice President Daniel Heimlich joins host John Gilroy to talk about how his company can help you move to the cloud. November 1, 2011
The agency issued draft of version 1 of the technology roadmap seeking to create cloud computing standards. The document details 10 cloud requirements that agencies need help on to adopt the emerging technology.
The SANS Institute has awarded Los Alamos the 2011 U.S. National Cybersecurity Innovation Award for cloud computing security. The lab was the victim of a serious security breach in 1999.
The department released a request for information for 11 email and collaboration services in the cloud. The RFI comes after Onix and Google dropped its protest of Interior\'s award to Softchoice and Microsoft for cloud email in October 2010. aims to provide government with a greater understanding of the benefits of cloud computing.
GSA\'s Dave McClure said a flood of documents will come as soon as OMB signs off on the cloud security guidance. McClure said among the documents will be the application for third party companies to become FedRAMP accreditors of cloud products and services.
Agencies are testing software to analyze data for potential problems. The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board is now hosting these tools in the cloud to make it easier for agencies to use them.