The Office of Management and Budget updated Circular A-130 with the requirement for agencies to focus on risk management when deciding on how to protect networks and systems.
What should you do when you learn your agency is being audited by the Government Accountability Office? Find out this week when host John Gilroy interviews Greg Wilshusen, director of Information Security Issues at the GAO. August 9, 2016
Intelligence analysts say a new Defense Department data gathering policy helps civil liberties and intelligence work.
The Homeland Security Department is discussing whether it should extend the same cyber defenses it provides to the electric grid or financial sector to the 9,000 state and local systems that collect, tally and report votes during a national election.
A new report aims to put to rest the question of whether a national and global shortfall of cybersecurity talent is a genuine problem.
The Office of Personnel Management is looking to the military as it sets up its new cyber workforce strategy.
Bill Eggers, executive director of the Deloitte Center for Government Insights joins host John Gilroy to discuss his book: "Delivering on Digital: The Innovators and Technologies That Are Transforming Government." August 2, 2016
The Justice Department’s top national security official says the most successful tools the federal government has employed to deter other countries from hacking the U.S. so far have been legal ones rather tit-for-tat counterattacks.
Kevin Desanto, co-founder and managing director of KippsDesanto and Nick Wakeman, editor of Washington Technology, will discuss the state of mergers and acquisitions in the government market. August 1, 2016
Leadership of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee wants to know why the White House has yet to meet its obligations under a major information security law.
The Homeland Security Department drew large crowds to its first-ever tech and cybersecurity job fair in Washington this week. The department interviewed applicants, made tentative offers and started the security clearance review process on the spot for about 150 talented candidates.
A phenomenon called the "cyber caliphate" is producing ever-rising levels of cyber-attacks and real-world violence. ICIT's James Scott has advice for how agencies can defend against and attack cyber-jihadists.
Ron Gula, chairman and co-founder of Tenable Network Security, highlights three steps for agencies to address cyber threats in real-time.
A new presidential policy directive, which the White House released July 26, describes the roles agencies must take when responding to major cyber incidents. The departments of justice and homeland security, as well as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, have specific jobs in working with other federal agencies and industry.
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board is putting a customer service overhaul on hold as it prioritizes cybersecurity and IT infrastructure in its 5-year strategic plan.