It is budget season on Capitol Hill and agency leaders are busy defending their 2025 spending plans in front of the appropriations committees.
Analysis by the Partnership for Public Service shows federal workers from 30 to 39 are most unsatisfied with their employment.
The Department of Labor has a partner in developing a talent pipeline for the semiconductor industry.
They're out: The annual listing of the best places to work in the federal government.
You probably can't expect regular order when it comes to 2025 appropriations. One half of the House is working to wrap up work on federal funding early.
The database Nature Index named the VA one of the Top 10 rising research institutions in North America.
Federal workplaces aren't what they used to be, not with a third or half of employees teleworking at least some part of the week.
The State Department has released what you might call a diplomacy strategy for the digital world.
VA's payout of millions of dollars to ineligible executives creates congressional concern and a need for answers.
The smaller the agency measured, the more widely scores vary. That means the quality and skills of local managers are crucial in employee attitudes.
Examiners at the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) typically have to look at thousands of documents to determine whether an application is valid.
Do federal employees make more or less than people with similar jobs in the private sector? It's a question often asked, often answered, and never settled.
Sometimes federal procurements don't go according to the rules. Sometimes its worse, when bribes and kickbacks come into play.
An employee's statement that he or she is dealing with domestic violence is generally enough for the agency to grant leave.
The GAO found issues with the government audit process at the Federal Audit Clearinghouse, where non-federal grant or aid recipients require single auditing.