Tom Temin

  • The Federal Headlines is a daily compilation of the stories you hear discussed on Federal News Radio each day. It is designed to give readers more information about the stories heard on the radio. In today’s news, the U.S. Border Patrol has a new leader and another member of President Obama's cabinet is making the trip to Cuba.

    June 21, 2016
  • The day a web mail ban went into effect, guess who waived himself from it? None other than Secretary Jeh Johnson.

    June 21, 2016
  • Even before the blended retirement plan goes into effect, the Pentagon is monkeying with it, and that's got the ire of retired officers.

    June 21, 2016
  • Congress this week is going to spend a lot of energy debating gun control. That's in the wake of the Orlando, Florida shootings. David Hawkings, senior editor at Roll Call, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin that it's bad news in a lot of ways, including the prospects for anything else getting done.

    June 21, 2016
  • The Defense Department is moving ahead with new rules for defense contractors aimed at limiting damage from insiders with security clearance. Jim Harris, senior counsel for the law firm Holland and Knight, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer his insight.

    June 21, 2016
  • Reform seems to be the watchword of the week. Reform of federal spending, reform of acquisition. Could we see some real action in the next year? Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin he thinks so.

    June 20, 2016
  • Both the House and Senate are proposing protest reform in their versions of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, but would these reforms be helpful? Stuart Turner, a counsel at the law firm Arnold and Porter, offers his analysis on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    June 20, 2016
  • When the Naval Academy graduated its first set of cybersecurity majors a year ago, the group included submariners, surface warfare experts, pilots and Marines. Many seemed destined for great careers. Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke with Retired Capt. Paul Tortora, director of the center for Cybersecurity Studies at the Academy, and Ensign Zac Dannelly, the top performer in that first graduating class, to find out how cybersecurity education is changing the Navy.

    June 20, 2016
  • The Federal Headlines is a daily compilation of the stories you hear discussed on Federal News Radio each day. It is designed to give readers more information about the stories heard on the radio. In today's news, new guidance from the Office of Personnel Management and the VA is not using new firing power.

    June 20, 2016
  • For the next three weeks, New Carrollton IRS employees find themselves cut off from main headquarters downtown.

    June 20, 2016
  • Congress is pondering a major change in a benefit for veterans in government jobs. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the lack of publicity on it is very odd.

    June 20, 2016
  • Four years after launching the General Fund Enterprise Business System, Project Manager Col. Matt Russell said that most users in the organization have fully adopted it, and it’s time to focus on upgrades.

    June 17, 2016
  • For immigrants hoping to apply for residency or become citizens, working with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is among their earliest first encounters with the federal government. Mariela Melero, associate director for Customer Service and Public Engagement for USCIS, is a finalist in the Service to America Medals program. On Federal Drive with Tom Temin, Melero tells Federal News Radio's Eric White how she helps improve engagement with a highly diverse customer base. View a photo gallery of Sammies finalists.

    June 17, 2016
  • The House Oversight Committee voted out a resolution to censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. The vote was on party lines, with Democrats opposing. Republicans hope it is leads to an impeachment proceeding. Steve Ryan, a partner at the law firm McDermott Will and Emery, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin the whole effort is misguided.

    June 17, 2016