IRS officials said the strategy to decommission its legacy systems is taking shaping shape in concert with the work of the Enterprise Digitalization and Case Management Office the agency stood up in July.
When it comes to 21st century technology, change has become more of a constant than ever before. It is so perpetual, in fact, private and public companies realize that “digital transformation” is not an option, but a necessity.
Two agencies show they take customer experience seriously.
The Senate is almost totally occupied with Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court, but this debate also crowds out other important business in a compressed time period.
The General Services Administration has gone underwater with a reworked small business acquisition vehicle. Dubbed Polaris, the proposed vehicle is a replacement for the failed Alliant SB-2.
The cybersecurity community is facing a cybersecurity challenge with Trickbot, which threatens to disrupt the upcoming elections. Now Microsoft is taking on the task.
In today's Federal Newscast, members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee have questions for the Commerce Department regarding it's lack of standing in owning and operating a national 5G network.
The Defense Department is putting $600 million into 5G in five new military installations.