Federal Drive

  • The U.S. Postal Inspectors, one of the oldest federal law enforcement agencies, investigates mail-based crimes.

    June 28, 2016
  • Long before the internet, the U.S. had a network connecting every home in every hamlet. It's called the Postal Service. It has a richer history of innovation and technology than many people realize. Devin Leonard joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk about "Neither Rain Nor Snow", a new history of USPS he authored.

    June 27, 2016
  • The National Security Agency is the repository for much of the government's cybersecurity chops. NSA has its own cyber threats to worry about. But it also advises other agencies and the White House on governmentwide and industry cyber issues. Federal Drive with Tom Temin talks to the point man for this effort, Philip Quade, special assistant for cybersecurity to the NSA director.

    June 27, 2016
  • The Defense Department made a big splash in the world of federal retirement by recently introducing phased retirement to its civilian workforce, but for employees, the announcement still leaves some questions unanswered.

    June 27, 2016
  • Too many agencies are producing allegations of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to overseas parties funded by criminals.

    June 27, 2016
  • The Federal Headlines is a daily compilation of the stories you hear discussed on Federal News Radio each day. It is designed to give FederalNewsRadio.com readers more information about the stories heard on the radio. In today’s news, an IRS advisory committee has advice on how the agency can increase the amount of people who file electronically, and the Thrift Savings Plan wants you to stay the course...

    June 27, 2016
  • The EPA can't be everywhere all the time to enforce the nation's pollution laws. So it's developing what it calls Next Generation Compliance.

    June 24, 2016
  • To judge the progress of cybersecurity preparedness in the federal government, you've got to take a long-term view. One person who's been tracking cybersecurity and cyber education for more than 20 years, Alan Paller, director of research at the SANS Institute joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    June 24, 2016
  • The Federal Headlines is a daily compilation of the stories you hear discussed on Federal News Radio each day. It is designed to give FederalNewsRadio.com readers more information about the stories heard on the radio. In today’s news, another federal official pleaded guilty to corruption charges surrounding the Glenn Defense Marine Asia case and more federal agencies can now move to the ‪‎cloud‬.

    June 24, 2016
  • A powerful driver of federal acquisition policy is suspicion the government isn't getting the absolute lowest prices vendors have to offer.

    June 24, 2016
  • As a federal employee. you were taught to not break the rules. Suppose a boss orders you do do something that violates a federal practice or rule? If you refuse, you could face discipline, and it will all be legal. The U.S. Court of Appeals just said so. How's that? For some explanation, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turns to federal employment attorney Lynne Bernabei of Bernabei and Kabat.

    June 23, 2016
  • Each year, congressional Democrats and Republicans look to settle their differences on the baseball diamond. More accrurately, they raise money for charity through ticket sales to what might be described as less and major-league grade ball-playing. The 2016 Congressional Baseball game takes place tonight at Nationals Park in Southeast D.C. Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) is manager of the Republican Team. He told Federal News Radio's Eric White on Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the game's history and what players to watch out for.

    June 23, 2016
  • Figuring out your annuity under the various federal benefits program can be complicated. So complicated, the government often gets it wrong. If you think your payments are too low, it’s worthwhile checking and filing a complaint. Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director at the National Institute of Transition Planning. shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    June 23, 2016