"There was planning underway that they canceled very late on Friday night when it looked like the Senate was ready to pass this as it did," said Loren Duggan.
Participants ages 50 and up can make additional catch-up contributions of $7,500. Those ages 60 to 63 can make even higher catch-up contributions.
"Congress as an institution has seen tremendous turnover. It has struggled to recruit and retain and develop staff," said Derek Kilmer.
"You really have to start with what's the threat overall and then why specific to military families and the military children," said Charlie Moore.
"We're one of the 11 categories of explicitly defined critical infrastructure, according to the federal government and DHS," said Cary Davis.
The new survey, from the FDIC inspector general, comes as part of the ongoing investigation into long-standing workplace culture concerns.
There's no proof privatization of USPS would solve the losses or improve service. The current reform plan hasn't had a chance to prove itself.
Individuals should take better charge of their own financial lives before the end of the year, including optimizing their Thrift Savings Plan.