Agencies will know later this month how much more they will have to pay for security clearances to the National Background Investigations Bureau. The NBIB will meet initial operating capability on Oct. 1 and begin processing all security clearance cases.
We clearly need civil service reform, particularly with respect to hiring, but it will do no good if agencies are unaware of the authorities they have and how to use them.
House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Joe Heck wants a higher pay raise for military employees.
Agencies relied on 20 out of 105 different hiring authorities to fill the majority of open positions in 2014, the Government Accountability Office said. And neither OPM nor individual agencies are using the hiring data they already collect to measure whether these authorities are working.
Former Homeland Security CHCO Jeff Neal says any rethinking of HR has to begin with staffing.
New data from the Office of Personnel Management shows that 93 percent of the people hired through the Pathways program intend to stay in government, and the programs are responsible for 35,000 new hires since 2012. Tim McManus, the vice president for education and outreach at the Partnership for Public Service talked with Federal News Radio’s Jared Serbu on Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the new report. He says they show agencies are beginning to use the Pathways programs as they were originally intended.
The Office of Personnel Management has been busy this year helping agencies more quickly recruit, hire and develop cyber talent, an initiative outlined in the President's Cybersecurity National Action Plan. Agencies like the FBI and Commerce Department say they are also beginning to change their mindsets when building teams of cyber experts.
Former chief knowledge officers says the presidential transition is a good time to reassess how information is shared among employees, managers and administrations.
How will the presidential transition affect you? And what are you likely to face in January? Find out when SEA acting president Jason Briefel joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn program. August 24, 2016
A new report from the Office of Personnel Management found interns, recent college graduates and Presidential Management Fellows are staying on with the government at a higher rate. Agencies are appointing more veterans, more minorities and providing better mentoring and training opportunities to new employees.
DoD will ask around 3,000 current employees to move from the traditional civil service system to one that offers them fewer job protections but might also boost their pay and promotion prospects.
The Office of Personnel Management wants to make sure political appointees hired during the current administration don't have an unfair advantage getting career jobs in the next administration.
Like many things good ideas in government, over time "time to fill" has become a caricature of itself, says former DHS CHCO Jeff Neal.
The Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Management and Budget released guidance on raising the bonus award caps for senior executives, senior level and senior professional and scientific federal employees, and recommended tying bonuses more closely to performance, including the use of smaller bonuses for specific contributions throughout the year.
The Air Force said Wednesday that it would begin offering retention bonuses of up to $35,000 to entice its unmanned aircraft pilots to stay in the military as part of an ongoing “get-well” plan for a workforce that’s been stretched extremely thin.