Workforce Rights/Governance

  • NAPA's Dan Blair and Antoinette Samuel and Paul Posner from ASPA, discuss how the new Memos to National Leaders project helps federal managers address the challenges at their agencies. December 14, 2012

    December 14, 2012
  • Many in government are worried about the threat of sequestration, the across-the-board budget cuts set to take effect in January unless Congress and the White come up with an alternative deficit-cutting plan. But federal employee groups and sympathetic lawmakers are also concerned about such alternatives -- if they contain changes to federal employee pay or compensation. Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and a slate of federal-employee unions and groups are warning of such proposals in the deficit talks to replace sequestration.

    December 12, 2012
  • In the 25 years since the Federal Employees Retirement System went into effect, much has changed when it comes to federal retirement. Tom Trabucco, the former longtime director of external affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, and Judy Park, the former legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Association, joined Your Turn with Mike Causey for a look back at the creation of FERS and how it has evolved over the years.

    December 12, 2012
  • A closer look at the results of the Merit Systems Protection Board's 2012 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) reveals that the limits of the agency's resources are having a negative effect on it employee's ability to do their jobs.

    December 11, 2012
  • The Supreme Court ruled Monday that federal employees can appeal decisions of the Merit Systems Protection Board stemming from discrimination-related complaints in federal district court. The ruling follows earlier lower court decisions that required employee appeals to go solely through the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The justices' decision applies to federal employees filing "mixed cases" — complaints involving both allegations of wrongful termination and job discrimination — under the Civil Service Reform Act.

    December 10, 2012
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission needed to find savings after its IT budget received a 15 percent reduction in 2012. Kim Hancher, the EEOC CIO, decided to reduce spending on mobile devices and instituted a BYOD policy to cut spending by almost 50 percent. December 6, 2012

    December 06, 2012
  • Multiple current and former Forest Service employees say they've faced sexual harassment and physical assault while on the job, and some have lost their positions for speaking up. Now, they are fighting back by filing a class action EEOC complaint for unfair treatment. The Agriculture Department, the parent agency of the Forest Service, says it is tackling a history of discrimination with more training and accountability as part of a cultural transformation program.

    December 03, 2012
  • Neal Schiff and Carol Tschudy from the Society of FBI Alumni, and Brad Benson from the Society of Former Special Agents, will talk about the work being done by their organizations. November 30, 2012

    November 30, 2012
  • Miriam Nisbet from the Office of Government Information Services and Rick Blum from the Sunshine in Government Initiative, will talk about a new portal that will help agencies with Freedom of Information Act requests. November 16, 2012

    November 16, 2012
  • It's great to donate money to starving children overseas and to support charities, hospitals and rescue animals. But there are times when there is nothing wrong with turning inward and helping people, even fellow federal workers and retirees, closer to home, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Like now...

    November 13, 2012
  • Federal-employee groups and veterans organizations say a legislative proposal that would result in lower cost-of-living adjustments for federal and Social Security retirees is a non-starter. Moving to a "Chained" Consumer Price Index method of calculating inflation would curtail future benefits for Social Security retirees, including federal employees and veterans, opponents of the proposal say.

    November 09, 2012
  • NARFE's David Snell joins host Mike Causey to talk about best health care buys for federal retirees. Sean Reilly from the Federal Times will discuss the presidential election and its impact on feds. November 7, 2012

    November 07, 2012
  • Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, and Tony Vergnetti, president of Federal Employee Defense Services will update us on recent legislative work during lame duck session. November 2, 2012

    November 02, 2012
  • Steve Bauer from the Federal Employees Education and Assistance Fund, and Joan Melanson from Long Term Care Partners will talk about the services offered by their organizations. October 19, 2012

    October 20, 2012