Army restarts email migrations, names new program manager

Deputy Chief Information Officer Mike Krieger wrote on the CIO\'s leadership blog that migrations resumed Monday after more than a two-month pause mandated by C...

The Army officially has restarted its migration to enterprise email.

Deputy Chief Information Officer Mike Krieger wrote on the CIO’s leadership blog that migrations resumed Monday after more than a two-month pause mandated by Congress.

And with the resumption, the CIO’s office shifted responsibility to the Program Executive Officer, Enterprise Information Systems (PEO-EIS), and named John Howell as the acting program manager.

Congress required the Army to pause its program to move email to the cloud, run by the Defense Information Systems Agency, in the 2012 Defense authorization bill. Lawmakers wanted a report describing “program specifics, including requirements, an analysis of alternatives and expected costs and savings,” Krieger wrote in a January blog post.

The Defense Department also must submit a report to Congress by June expanding the discussion on cloud email to how it affects other services. DoD CIO Teri Takai said the Air Force is next to move to the DISA cloud and the Navy is seriously considering it too.

The pause gave the Army a chance to do some maintenance on the effort.

Krieger said the Army conducted “clean-up operations” in the continental United States, the Pacific and Italy and performed operational test migrations in Southwest Asia.

The Army and DISA also reviewed and adjusted their service level agreement.

“The teams are discussing several revisions based on lessons-learned from the past 12 months of operational experience,” Krieger wrote in the blog post. “Concurrently, the Army is updating the concept-of-operations document, making drastic improvements to change IT management processes for existing and emerging enterprise-email-related tactics, techniques and procedures. These improvements will help with the success of enterprise services beyond email as well.”

Krieger said there are 310,000 employees on enterprise email, and the schedule remains on track to finish migrations to the classified and unclassified networks by the second quarter of fiscal 2013.


target=”_blank”>Army’s migration to cloud email pushed back at least 45 days

Air Force is next to move to DoD enterprise email

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