Responding to cyber penetrations into federal IT systems at the Office of Personnel Management and elsewhere, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said Wednesday that it was launching a “comprehensive” and governmentwide counterintelligence campaign.
Contractors, government relationship feeling the impact of cutting-edge technology, resulting in potentially cheaper and more efficient manufacturing.
Dave Bowen, the Defense Health Agency CIO, said getting the military services to sign off on a concept of operations for health IT shared services is a huge step toward meeting an Oct. 1 deadline to reach full operational capability.
It's been one year since the Agriculture Department jumped into the shared services business. Now a financial management shared services provider, USDA is working with other agencies to sign them on. The General Services Administration -- including about 30 other small agencies and commissions -- is one big customer. John Brewer is the deputy chief financial officer at the Agriculture Department. He's an AFCEA Bethesda 20-14 Governmentwide Initiative Excellence Award Winner for leading the charge. He tells Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller what prompted the agency's initial involvement with shared services.
The Pentagon’s newest cyber organization is poised to take a key step in its maturation over the next several weeks as it branches out from Fort Meade and into three new branch offices designed to help defend DoD systems in various geographic areas.
The Office of Management and Budget wants grant-making agencies to have access to all the past performance data on grantees as part of their broader effort to improve the grant-making process. Agencies award more money in grants than on contracts.
The DoD CIO wants to focus on the \"basics\" to shore up Pentagon\'s cybersecurity posture, including increased accountability for users of military networks.
Acting Agriculture CIO Joyce Hunter is taking aim at consolidating 15 assorted networks the agency uses. At Transportation, CIO Richard McKinney is creating shared services for commodity IT to get the bureau CIOs out of the IT services business.
The Defense Department is in the final stages of a test to show how derived credentials from the Common Access Card can secure smartphones and tablet computers. Richard Hale, the deputy CIO for cybersecurity, boldly predicts that by the end of the calendar year the military will be issuing derived credentials on mobile devices.
Task Force Cyber Secure will attempt to apply the same degree of rigor and oversight DoD uses for its computing networks to everything else that's vulnerable to cyber threats, including weapons systems and industrial control systems. The Air Force is following in the footsteps of the Navy to ensure cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility.
Tony Scott, the new federal chief information officer, said in his first public speech his priorities are to ensure existing administration technology efforts are successful. But Scott offered some insights into tweaks and focus areas.
The General Services Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration plan to release major IT and services solicitations in the coming month. The draft RFPs are part of the broader effort to change the government's approach to acquisition.
The military services say they've made some progress against the readiness levels they lost when sequestration first struck in 2013. The Pentagon's second- ranking official said Tuesday that momentum needs to be maintained, but DoD's challenges are as much about time as about money.
The FBI rapidly rolled out new devices-the vast majority running hardened Android operating systems-to the bureau's 56 field offices over the last four months. But officials are experimenting with commercial mobile devices for secret and top-secret data too.
The Defense Information Systems Agency launches reorganization, including the new Joint Task Force-DoD Information Networks. The new cyber organization will reach initial operating capability on Jan. 15, taking over 14-to-19 tasks from U.S. Cyber Command.