Bloomberg Government

  • A new federal program to help small contractors owned by women is drawing criticism from lawmakers and business advocates who say it has provided too little assistance to too few firms.

    June 28, 2012
  • Defense analyst Robert Levinson told the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp that while reverse auctions can generate significant savings for the federal government, they do have their downside.

    June 20, 2012
  • On this week's edition of Bloomberg Government's Capital Impact show, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle discusses the Affordable Care Act and the potential political fallout of a high court reversal.

    June 19, 2012
  • BGov Analyst Brian Friel spoke to The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp about Bloomberg Government's top 200 government contractors list.

    June 14, 2012
  • National Security Agency officials says it's a good news/bad news situation with the nation's cybersecurity. David Sims of the Interior Department said debarment and suspension are powerful tools.

    June 14, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    June 09, 2012
  • This week on Bloomberg Government's Capital Impact show, results from a new BGov analysis that shows federal contract spending is slumping. Plus, how defense contractors may be able to protect some revenue from sequestration.

    June 06, 2012
  • Ever since 2003, contractors have played a major role in the contingency operations in Iraq. But with the transition to a State Department-led diplomatic mission there, some analysts believe contractors will play an even more central role. As part of the special series, Trial by Fire: Overseas Contracting in Transition, Federal News Radio examines how industry fared in the DoD-to-State handoff and whether State's enhanced role spells new opportunities for contractors.

    June 06, 2012
  • The Office of Management and Budget estimates that $83.5 billion in previous years' Department of Defense funds will remain unobligated on Sept. 30, the end of fiscal 2012, reports Kevin Brancato and Robert Levinson of Bloomberg Government.

    June 06, 2012
  • Federal contractors are continually on the hunt for new business. They get it one of several ways. They can scour agency postings, looking for new opportunities. They can prowl conferences and hallways, doing gumshoe business development.

    June 01, 2012
  • Jeff Orner, chief administrative officer at the Department of Homeland Security, talks about a teleworking award his office recently received. Sopen Shah, a defense analyst with Bloomberg Government, discusses a new report on federal contracting. Ed Zurndorfer, registered employee benefits consultant, explains what phased retirement could mean for feds. University of Baltimore law professor Richard Loeb discusses the backlog at the Defense Contract Audit Agency.

    June 01, 2012
  • Federal Technology Analyst Jason Wilson sizes up the defense cyber market. Defense Financial Analyst Sopen Shah looks at potential targets for mergers and acquisitions. Data Analyst Peter Brusoe looks at how federal contractors are donating money this campaign season.

    May 31, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    May 26, 2012
  • Jason Wilson, a reporter for Bloomberg Government, examined federal defense spending on cybersecurity for a new Bloomberg study. He joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the overall trends he's noticed.

    May 25, 2012
  • On this edition of the Capital Impact show, BGOV Trade Analysts Caitlin Webber and Ken Monahan evaluate trade tensions facing the U.S. Plus, Congressional Analysts Melissa Avstreih and Loren Duggan look at legislation to reduce or eliminate duties on imported goods.

    May 24, 2012