If you work for Uncle Sam the question is will 2018 be another nerve-wracking time of congress going after your retirement benefits?
Will 2018 be another nerve-wracking time of congress going after feds' retirement benefits? Find out when Federal News Radio Reporters Nicole Ogrysko and Jory Heckman join host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn. January 3, 2018
For the last seven months, federal workers have worried that the White House would scuttle their retirement plan.
If you are puzzled, bewitched, bothered and bewildered by the congressional budget process, it means that you have been paying attention.
Are federal workers (finally) voting with their feet by putting in their retirement papers in record numbers? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is unsure.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says many feds are afraid that Congress will change retirement rules, forcing them to pay lots more and get lots less.
Are you one of the many federal workers who are afraid that Congress will change retirement rules? Tune in this week when Federal News Radio Senior Reporter Nicole Ogrysko joins host Mike Causey to talk about some of the proposals pending on Capitol Hill. October 18, 2017
If you work for or are retired from the federal government, here's a horrible thought: What if these are the good old days, right now, this minute?
Federal retirees can't run out of money in retirement, but they can lose buying power big-time the longer they stay retired.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that if health premiums jump as expected, folks will have to shop for a lower-cost plan, regardless of a pay raise and COLA.
Federal workers have worried that Congress will base their pensions on a less generous formula. Mike Causey says there's nothing to worry about ... yet.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks which of the long list of proposed changes to federal retirement is most likely to succeed.
Senior correspondent Mike Causey wants to know what, if any, of the currently proposed retirement changes will go into effect, and when.
Congress and the White House are considering several proposals to slim down or eliminate portions of the federal retirement program. Will they pass and if so, how will they affect you? Find out when NARFE Legislative Director Jessica Klement joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn. September 20, 2017
Congress is tossing around a few ideas to reform federal retirement, all of which could negatively impact retirees' spending ability.