Department of Veterans Affairs

House Appropriators, Federal workforce, Congress Debt Limit

The federal workforce is growing, as House appropriators consider agency spending cuts

Despite a growing federal workforce, current budget deliberations in Congress could cause the pendulum to eventually swing back in the other direction.

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Jory Heckman/Federal News Network

VA touts its largest nursing workforce, but union says they’re ‘chronically understaffed’

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budget, budget cut, spending cuts, Capitol, Congress, federal budget

Democrats warn layoffs ahead as House GOP proposes agency spending cuts

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(AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades)Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, testifies before the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs on Capitol Hill in Washington on Wednesday, July 14, 2021. (AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades)

VA secretary admits ‘massive mistakes’ over improper executive bonuses, rejects calls for firings

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkVeterans Affairs

VBA steps up veteran outreach to complete 300,000 pending PACT Act benefits claims

The VA recently approved its millionth disability claim under a historic expansion of benefits. But it’s stepping up efforts to get more claims in.

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Kiyoshi Tanno)Veterans Affairs

VA makes gains in engagement in Best Places to Work results

VA raised its engagement and satisfaction score by 3.4 points, and maintained its fifth place spot for large agencies in the 2023 Best Places to Work rankings.

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cyber workforce, cyber skills, hiring workforce

VA building out career development portal to boost cyber skills

After creating an internal career development portal for cyber employees, the VA’s Office of Information and Technology aims to build out the platform further.

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