It's not so easy picking out cars and light trucks for your federal fleet. No more garages full of Chevy Luminas. Now the General Services Administration (GSA), which oversees these things, has issued an online tool to help fleet managers pick out electric vehicles.
Traci DiMartini, stepping down from her role as chief human capital officer at the General Services Administration, will move to IRS at the end of June.
An independent agency created to fast-track the sale of excess federal properties is falling behind on its goals envisioned more than six years ago, and is running into many of the bureaucratic hurdles it was meant to bypass.
Jeff Koses, senior procurement executive at the General Services Administration, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf to give an update on GSA’s key acquisition policy priorities,
The debt ceiling debate has absorbed many in Washington over the past few weeks, as well as those whose business prospects are directly tied to federal spending.
In leading GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Commissioner Sonny Hashmi has established “North Star Goals” for the organization in its efforts to support customer agency missions on behalf of the American people. North Star Goals are generally long-term, stretch goals.
In today's Federal Newscast: Employees at DoJ urge Congress to oppose an abortion ban that would impact health benefits for feds. Colin Kahl will soon return to Stanford after helping steer the DoD policy ship and steering clear of Twitter. And GSA is increasing the RPMs toward electrifying the federal fleet.
Charlotte Phelan, assistant commissioner of the, Office of Enterprise Strategy Management at GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf for a discussion of the role, responsibilities, and priorities of her office in supporting FAS’s government-wide contracting programs.
The General Services Administration (GSA) recently announced the Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) cohort for 2023. That means 20 private-sector technology and innovation leaders will start pitching-in at 13 federal agencies.
The looming debt ceiling will occupy the first order of business for Congress again this week. Yet budget hearings and other regular stuff will also go on.
Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, writes in his blog that GSA's memo from March extending the economic price adjustment (EPA) highlighted unnecessary, inappropriate and counterproductive pricing language in the MAS solicitation.
A new report from the General Services Administration's Inspector General didn't have many nice things to say about its Multiple Award Schedule’s Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) pilot.
The total number of federal contracting dollars going to small businesses keeps going up year over year.
The fourth report in a year about the Transactional Data Reporting pilot continues to ring the same negative notes from the inspector general while GSA officials continue to push back against that tune.
The Court of Federal Claims ruled GSA’s interpretation of Section 876 of the 2018 Defense Authorization was too broad as applied to the Polaris small business GWAC.