Anil Cheriyan, the director of the Technology Transformation Service and deputy commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service at the General Services Administration, and Bob DeLuca, the executive director of the IT modernization Centers of Excellence initiative are moving on.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Department of Veterans Affairs has a new digital tool to help screen veterans, employees and other visitors for coronavirus.
The General Services Administration awarded proof-of-concepts to Amazon Business, and Fischer Scientific on Friday to provide agencies access to their commercial e-commerce platforms for purchases below the micro-purchase threshold of $10,000.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Office of Personnel Management will start sending the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to all federal employees in July.
In today's Federal Newscast, federal employees are getting an inflation increase when it comes to accepting non-sponsored gifts at widely-attended events and those under the Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act.
The General Services Administration said in April the 8(a) STARS II govermentwide acquisition contract for IT services hit its contract ceiling, but now it has increased the vehicle’s maximum obligations to $22 billion.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Senior Executives Association is urging the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to take action this year on hiring reforms and other recommendations to modernize the federal workforce.
GSA's inspector general found the government’s landlord would have seen even better results reducing lease extensions and holdovers if not for several administrative hurdles between PBS and its tenant agencies.
The Green Building Advisory Committee drafted a recommendation letter to the General Services Administration Renewable for piloting renewable energy outleasing on federal properties.
Another senior Pentagon official is resigning. Katie Wheelbarger, the acting assistant secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs submitted her letter of resignation on Wednesday.
It has been exactly one week since our friend, Lenny Loewentritt, passed away after battling cancer. Many of us in the procurement community are still trying to process this sad news.
In today's Federal Newscast, Elaine McCusker, DoD’s acting comptroller and chief financial officer, will step down on June 26. She was nominated by President Trump for a permanent position, but it was revoked over reported disagreements about Ukraine.
GSA is modifying its janitorial services contracts for federally-owned buildings, and will begin issuing unilateral lease amendments on Friday to the owners of more than 8,000 federal leased office spaces.
Federal agencies are updating their infrastructures with the goal to better support improved operational efficiency, user productivity and digital services deployed to the public.
ACT-IAC released a new case study highlighting best practices and lessons learned for agencies as they implement the technologies under the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract.