ICF International

  • The Congressional Budget Office recently revealed that it didn't have any comprehensive information about the size of the federal government's contracted workforce. Jeff Neal, senior vice president of ICF International and former chief human capital officer at the Department of Homeland Security, says knowing that number might not matter too much to taxpayers in the long run.

    March 13, 2015
  • Jason Briefel hosts a roundtable discussion of human capital and how the public and private sectors are collaborating. March 6, 2015

    March 06, 2015
  • More and more people are finding their jobs are not only following them home, they follow them like shadows throughout their time away from work. Jeff Neal, Senior Vice President of ICF International, and former Chief Human Capital Officer of the Homeland Security Department, wonders if this constant contact with work more a burden or a blessing.

    March 04, 2015
  • Is it fair to make teleworking federal employees work during a snow day when the rest of the government is closed? Jeff Neal, former Chief Human Capital Officer of the Homeland Security Department, thinks so.

    February 17, 2015
  • A political stalemate in the Senate means the Homeland Security Department is inching closer to a shutdown in 11 days. That would mean most agency employees would still go to work and not get paid. Jeff Neal is Senior Vice President of ICF International, and former Chief Human Capital Officer of the Homeland Security Department. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he shared more details on what a shutdown would mean for the agency's employees.

    February 16, 2015
  • Do federal managers know who they want to hire before even posting a job? Do they rig the process to the benefit of their candidate? And, is it worth it to even apply for a job at an agency given these barriers? Former federal HR exec Jeff Neal offers his candid advice based on his 33 years of experience.

    January 23, 2015
  • More than 90 percent of federal managers say better technology helps them be more productive for their agency. But that doesn't mean their lives are any easier. New research from the National Academy of Public Administration and ICF International shows about 30 percent agency managers have to bring their work home with them now. Jeff Neal is Senior Vice President of ICF International, a NAPA fellow, and former Chief Human Capital Officer of the Homeland Security Department. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained some of the 13 findings and 14 recommendations from the research.

    January 19, 2015
  • Beth Cobert, the deputy director for management at OMB, said the administration has to help agencies get the skills and capabilities to move to a digital world more quickly and improve the quality. She said an updated Digital Services Playbook is coming in the next month. The IRS is one of the few agencies to grasp how digital services can improve its mission.

    January 14, 2015
  • Federal leaders are getting more excited about moving their agencies toward a more digital existence. But new research by the National Academy of Public of Administration and ICF International finds the majority of federal respondents need help to make lasting change to their agency's services. And that help is coming from the Office of Management and Budget. Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller tells In Depth with Francis Rose how OMB will further how agencies move to the digital world.

    January 13, 2015
  • Certain recruiting and hiring authorities within agencies "threaten the principle of fair and open competition," according to the latest report from the Merit Systems Protection Board. Former DHS CHCO Jeff Neal offers his take.

    January 12, 2015
  • Digital technology has changed the way the private sector is doing business. Jeff Neal, senior vice president for ICF International, asks, "Is it too late for the government to catch up?"

    January 07, 2015
  • Former DHS senior executive Jeff Neal counts down the "12 Days of Fedmas," his adaptation of the holiday favorite for the federal workforce.

    December 23, 2014
  • President Bacack Obama's "thank you" speech to his agencies' senior leaders is causing mixed reactions among the federal community. Senior Executives Association President Carol Bonosaro appreciates the effort, but also wonders why it took six years. Jeff Neal is Senior Vice President of ICF International, and former Chief Human Capital Officer of the Homeland Security Department. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he shared his own thoughts on the President's speech yesterday.

    December 10, 2014
  • How does an agency make any kind of execution plans when it has no idea how much money will be appropriated when Congress finally passes a budget or a full-year continuing resolution, asks former DHS senior executive Jeff Neal?

    December 05, 2014