Former General Services Administration Inspector General Brian Miller, will discuss MAS audits, the mandatory disclosure rule and the role the IG plays within GSA. May 6, 2014
President Barack Obama has rarely used his power to pardon people convicted of crimes. The Justice Department says that's about to change. It gave federal inmates hope by publishing new criteria last week. If you are a low-level drug offender with no history of violence or ties to organized crime, and you've served at least 10 years, then you've got a chance. Now the department is bracing for thousands of petitions. John Malcolm, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp why presidential pardons have declined over the years.
Joe Klimavicz will become the Justice Department's new chief information officer. Klimavicz will leave the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) after spending more than seven years its the CIO and director of high performance computing and communications.
Angel Santa, the deputy CIO at the Office of Justice Programs, said an acquisition is possible in the coming months for a wireless network as part of an effort to make employees more mobile ready. March 20, 2014
Van Hitch, senior advisor for Deloitte's Federal Practice, and former Justice Department CIO, joins host Roger Waldron to talk about how cloud computing, mobile technology, and other IT advances can help your agency become more efficient. February 4, 2014
OPM Director Katherine Archuleta called Justice's case an "egregious violation of the public trust." OPM has taken steps to reform and improve the oversight of the security clearance system to prevent future "dumping" of cases.
The Justice Department has accused the company that performed background investigations of both National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden and Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis of defrauding the government, making false statements and breach of contract. DoJ's civil complaint filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Alabama alleges the company, which is the government's largest contractor for background-investigation services, submitted at least 665,000 background investigations to the Office of Personnel Management that hadn't been properly reviewed.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) says agency inspectors general are increasingly facing obstacles in their efforts to uncover waste and misconduct. The top watchdogs at both the Justice Department and the Peace Corps told lawmakers they've faced resistance from their agencies at times in turning over records in recent years. Lawmakers also expressed concern about the impact of across-the-board budget cuts on the operations agency IG operations.
Through the back-end attribute exchange, agencies can have a standard way for different organizations to safely and securely share sensitive information. The Justice Department conducted a pilot earlier this year and found success with state and local law enforcement agencies accessing the Regional Information Sharing System.
The Justice Department has joined a whistleblower False Claims Act suit against the federal government's largest provider of background investigations. Filed under the False Claims Act, the suit alleges that USIS, which currently has a multimillion-dollar contract with the Office of Personnel Management, failed to properly review its casework before providing it OPM.
Debra Roth hosts a roundtable discussion of how sequestration has affected the judicial branch, justice, and the rule of law. August 23, 2013
The Justice Department's EOIR recently launched its new eRegistry system for attorneys who do work before the immigration courts. The system is one step toward making the office's business processes all electronic. It also will make it harder for notarios, or unqualified people who represent immigrants before the court system, to bilk unsuspecting immigrants.
Polling and research firm Gallup will pay $10.5 million to settle allegations that it violated the False Claims Act and the Procurement Integrity Act. The government alleged Gallup knowingly inflated contract prices.
The Justice Department successfully prosecuted executives in companies for obtaining contracts under SBA's 8(a) program worth more than $153 million. The court found two of the executives guilty on Friday and six others pleaded guilty.
The lawsuit, filed by Richard Priem, a 16-year SAIC employee and Army veteran, alleged the company inflated contract costs by claiming the training program would be staffed by full-time SAIC employees. However, according to the lawsuit, SAIC instead used cheaper part-time employees and pocketed the difference.