Justice Department

  • The Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel says Inspectors General must get permission from their agencies before getting certain documents like grand jury, wiretap and credit information. But Inspectors General say they need independent access to information to do their jobs. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is asking for Congress' help now by pushing for a bill that would give IGs that access. Brian Miller is the managing director at Navigant and former inspector general at the General Services Administration. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about some of the contradictions he sees with this OLC opinion.

    July 24, 2015
  • A new report released by the Justice Department Inspector General’s office states that the DEA’s policies regarding use of high-risk confidential sources are out of compliance with the Attorney General’s guidelines. The IG says a lack of oversight for issues such as how sources are used, how actions in operations are sanctioned, and how benefits to sources are awarded could put operations at risk.

    July 22, 2015
  • Jeff Neely, the former General Services Administration official at the center of the Western Regions Conference scandal, will spend three months in prison and three months under home confinement. Neely had been placed on administrative leave in 2011 and later left the agency following revelations of a lavish $822,000 training conference held in Las Vegas.

    July 01, 2015
  • The technology companies join a growing list of GSA Schedule vendors who get caught up in whistleblower lawsuits claiming the vendor overcharged the government for commercial items.

    June 30, 2015
  • President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order giving agencies the ability to recommend economic sanctions against cyber attackers and their supporters. As the President signed this latest order, Congress seems closer than ever to passing a cyber information sharing bill.

    April 02, 2015
  • By ERIC TUCKER Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal watchdog on Thursday faulted the Drug Enforcement Administration over allegations that agents attended sex parties with prostitutes on government-leased property while stationed overseas. The sex…

    March 26, 2015
  • The Justice Department wants every federal employee to understand his role when it comes to the Freedom of Information Act. Sunshine Week begins next week, and DOJ is reinforcing the concept through a set of new tools and training. Melanie Pustay, director of the Office of Information Policy in the Justice Department, tells Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller how her office works to ensure there's a broad understanding of every employees' expectations when it comes to FOIA.

    March 13, 2015
  • The Justice Department wants federal employees to understand their responsibilities when it comes to the Freedom of Information Act. As Sunshine Week is set to begin next week, DoJ is reinforcing that concept through a set of new instructions and training. Melanie Pustay is the director of the Office of Information Policy in the Justice Department. She tells executive editor Jason Miller about what she's doing to broaden understanding of FOIA.

    March 13, 2015
  • Melanie Pustay, the director of the Office of Information Policy in the Justice Department, said the tools and e-learning modules are focused on everyone from new employees to senior executives. DoJ rolled out the new education concepts ahead of Sunshine Week, which promotes open government.

    March 13, 2015
  • Joe Klimavicz, the Justice Department's chief information officer, joins Federal News Radio for a free online chat to discuss his IT priorities around shared services, data center consolidation, hiring, and improving and standardizing IT portfolio management.

    March 04, 2015
  • Taking 10 years to settle a whistleblower complaint could get a company in trouble with the Justice Department. But what if it's a Justice Department agency that takes so long? The Justice Department needs to improve how it handles whistleblower retaliation complaints from the FBI. That's according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. David Maurer, director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues at the GAO, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on the report.

    March 04, 2015
  • By ERICA WERNER Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Loretta Lynch won approval from a key Senate committee Thursday to serve as the nation’s next attorney general, as divided Republicans clashed over her support for President…

    February 26, 2015
  • Joe Klimavicz, the Justice Department's chief information officer, said shared services needs to be part of the culture of the organization. His office launched version 1 of the IT shared services catalog late last year.

    February 26, 2015
  • Four inspectors general tell the Senate Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee they need legislative help in order to help them effectively oversee federal agencies.

    February 24, 2015