National Protection and Programs Directorate

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‘Young’ CISA gets funds but still has work to do, GAO says

Congress is doling out money wholesale, including to the still young Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, part of the Department of Homeland…

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CISA to kick off ‘year of vulnerability management’ with updated threat disclosure policy

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DHS’ cyber and infrastructure office gets new chief of staff

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DHScybersecurity, Jeanette Manfra, DHS

When it comes to cyber, NPPD says everyone knows it’s in charge. It just needs a name change

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DHS is putting the finishing touches on a new personnel system for its cyber workforce

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How DHS’ automated information sharing program continues to evolve, grow

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DHS: ‘We’re not looking for the 30-year-career employee’

The Homeland Security Department says a new cyber hiring authority is giving it an opportunity to create federal workforce of the future. Angela Bailey,…

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DHS hopes private sector STEM pilot blossoms

The Homeland Security Department’s newest pilot program puts employees on detail within industry offices. The goal is for the employees to gain experience…

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House Homeland Security: 80 bills, 16 laws and increased cyber oversight

The House Homeland Security Committee approved its 80th bill this session to reorganize and rename the Homeland Security Department’s National Programs and Protections Directorate.

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