presidential transition

  • This is the first presidential transition for DHS, and perhaps the first time many agency employees are really looking back over the past seven years. DHS Assistant Secretary for Policy Stewart Baker is here now…

    January 12, 2009
  • This is the first presidential transition for DHS, and perhaps the first time many agency employees are really looking back over the past seven years. DHS Assistant Secretary for Policy Stewart Baker is here now…

    January 12, 2009
  • Looking for a top political job in the Obama administration? It helps if you have a political IOU, are a super star or are a former Clinton era appointee who wants to come in from the cold. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey tells how to spot them.

    January 12, 2009
  • Looking for a top political job in the Obama administration? It helps if you have a political IOU, are a super star or are a former Clinton era appointee who wants to come in from the cold. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey tells how to spot them.

    January 12, 2009
  • Agency transition offices are swamped with applications from people who want political appointments. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it can be a tricky business.

    January 06, 2009
  • Jamie Misick, former Deputy Director for Intelligence Former Illinois Congressman Tim Roemer California Congresswoman Jane Harmon Former CIA deputy director of Operations Jack Devine Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel Those are just some of the names…

    December 11, 2008
  • Some of the names that have been discussed as possible nominees to succeed Michael Hayden as the next director of the CIA.

    December 11, 2008
  • There’s been a lot of speculation on who will be named to President-elect Barack Obama’s cabinet. Just last week, we heard that Hillary Clinton is being floated as a possible Secretary of State. Ann Veneman…

    November 17, 2008
  • During the election, President-elect Obama promised to fire poor-performing managers but will he follow through on that? Professor Don Kettl, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government, joins us to talk about…

    November 12, 2008
  • We don’t know yet who will be the Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama Administration. But we are hearing some names on a short list. HSToday Editor David Silverberg gives us analysis during our…

    November 10, 2008
  • President-elect Barack Obama offered more details into his transition team. After naming his senior staff Wednesday, Obama named several key players who will work on agency transitions. In a release obtained by FederalNewsRadio, the transition…

    November 07, 2008
  • All this week on FederalNewsRadio, we’ve been exploring what the election of Barack Obama will mean to the federal government. Today, FederalNewsRadio’s Max Cacas reached out to John Gage, president of the American Federation of…

    November 07, 2008
  • The GAO is sharing years of information they’ve learned about federal agencies with the next administration. Among the advice they’re giving is a list of the top urgent issues for the next president, management challenges…

    November 07, 2008
  • FederalNewsRadio is continuing to Track the Transition. One organization that has been watching things carefully is the National Academy of Public Administration. In fact, Jenna Dorn, NAPA’s president and chief executive officer, is part of…

    November 07, 2008
  • The end is near, and in this case that\'s a good thing. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey talks about the political fatigue factor that has hit a lot of feds.

    November 04, 2008