
Civilian Cloud Exchange '24 ServiceNow's Jonathan Alboum

Cloud Exchange 2024: ServiceNow’s Jonathan Alboum on using cloud to drive better experiences, build trust

ServiceNow federal CTO says expanding use of AI and advanced CX will help with gaining public’s trust in government’s digital services.

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Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) AP Photo/J. Scott ApplewhiteRob Portman

More lawmakers getting on IT modernization bandwagon as House prepares 10th FITARA scorecard

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Network

In 2020, VA CIO finally received oversight over all IT spending despite 2015 law requiring it

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How agencies can transition workforce management from the industrial age to the information age

Now federal agencies have been forced into transitioning from an industrial age model of how to manage people to an information age construct.

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Navy opens ‘marketplace’ to help move itself into modern age of talent management

The Navy has long said it wants to replace its “industrial age” personnel processes with 21st century approaches to talent management.

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Data, collaboration get Army’s continuous process improvement up to speed

Dr. Charles “Chuck” Brandon, director for continuous process improvement (CPI) in the Army’s Office of Business Transformation, has led a team that has gotten rid of a backlog in the Army Review Boards Agency and reduced Procurement Acquisition Lead Time.

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