
mobile phone user

Countdown to Compliance: Understanding NARA’s rules for text messaging

Federal agencies have just weeks to prepare for changes in digital record standards, here’s how agencies can help ensure compliance.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/NicoElNinoTelecommunication network above city, wireless mobile internet technology for smart grid or 5G LTE data connection, concept about IoT, global business, fintech, blockchain

3 tips for becoming a smart (or smarter) city in the age of 5G

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Healthcare shows early promise of IoT paired with 5G

Get ready for the future as agencies begin pairing Internet of Things and 5G. Healthcare offers an early glimpse of the potential to take advantage of…

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DHS S&T works through possibilities and challenges of 5G adoption with first responders

The Department of Homeland Security’s science and technology directorate wants to help first responders realize the potential benefits of fifth-generation…

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Agencies look toward new emergency networks when disaster strikes

Agencies are eyeing a range of possibilities to take advantage of 5G advances, but perhaps no application is more urgent than ensuring and even boosting connectivity to aide disaster response. “Through mechanisms in 4G and 5G, we can prioritize access and bandwidth in such way that wireless priority service can be given to first responders,” said Mark McDiarmid, senior vice president for radio network engineering and development at T-Mobile USA.

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