(Spokane VA Medical Center Photo)veterans affairs spokane washington, Mann-Grandstaff

Veterans Affairs could improve how it assesses patients when they leave its hospitals

The Veterans Affairs office of inspector general has revealed a fundamental way to improve care. It has to do with assessing patients about to be discharged.

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(Photo courtesy of the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center Communications Department)Special Salary rate

VA’s struggling supply chain modernization initiative is under review

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AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivaiscoronavirus

New accountability office hasn’t made a dent in VA’s ‘culture of retaliation,’ whistleblowers say

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Getty Images/Veterans Affairs/Alex WongVA IG

VA IG: Decentralization to blame for housing stipend, IT shortfalls

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‘Breakdown of systems and leadership’ pushes lawmakers to examine veterans’ health networks

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Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin/(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)David Shulkin

Shulkin to pay back travel expenses, turns attention back to unprecedented VA budget request

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Jeff Miller

Indecision, poor leadership led to $888 million overruns on VA hospital, IG says

The House Veterans Affairs Committee wrote to the Justice Department, asking that DOJ investigate whether VA officials lied before Congress when they testified…

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OSC again finds flaws with VA IG’s whistleblower investigations

For the second time this year, the Office of Special Counsel said the Veterans Affairs Inspector General isn’t properly addressing three cases of whistleblower…

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William Wiley, Co-Founder of Federal Employment Law Training Group, former Chief Counsel to Chairman of MSPB

Few options for VA to add harsher punishments for VBA execs

There isn’t much more the Veterans Affairs Department can do, now that the Merit Systems Protection Board overturned punishments for two of four senior executives accused of misconduct. The VA handed out lighter punishments to the four VBA leaders, despite criticism from Congress.

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