New financial team at NASA answers questions from key Senators

From “NASA CFO, IG nominees grilled by Senate committee” on “A Senate panel which oversees the nation’s space agen...

From “NASA CFO, IG nominees grilled by Senate committee” on

“A Senate panel which oversees the nation’s space agency reviewed the nominations of two top managers last Thursday.

“Dr. Elizabeth Robinson, President Obama’s nominee to be the chief financial officer at NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a scientist whose resume includes a PhD in geophysics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and various stints both on Capitol Hill, and in the executive branch, most recently in the Office of Management and Budget.

“In recent years, NASA has faced numerous and well-documented challenges accounting for its spending on any number of space-related projects. And with that in mind, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D.-West Virginia), chairman of the Commerce committee, grilled Robinson about the fact that the space agency’s books have been in such bad shape that the accounting firm of Ernst and Young was recently unable to assemble an audit.

“Next to Robinson was Paul Martin, the nominee to be the next Inspector General at NASA. His grilling by Rockefeller was much shorter, but the chairman still had tough questions for him about the fact that his predecessor in the job had, according to the GAO, only recovered only 40 cents for every dollar appropriated to the agency, when other agency IGs recover nearly 9 dollars.”

Click to watch the entire hearing

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