Acquisition Policy

  • The Office of Inspector General at the Department of Housing and Urban Development has some big wins to celebrate. Settlements with shady lenders, and others, have netted a big return for the federal government. David Montoya is inspector general HUD. He joined In Depth with Francis Rose along with Brian Miller, managing director at Navigant and former inspector general of the General Services Administration, to talk about his office\'s values and why they\'re important in an IG office.

    April 07, 2015
  • As the government\'s landlord, the General Services Administration is coming up with creative approaches for how agencies can consolidate their workforces, rethink their office spaces and dispose of excess properties. In our latest special report, Federal News Radio takes an in-depth look at two projects receiving a lot of buzz: the renovation of the Old Post Office building and the relocation of the FBI headquarters.

    April 07, 2015
  • Kerry Rea, president of, and Claudia Hosky, publisher of, join host Mark Amtower to talk about the importance of business to government events. April 6, 2015

    April 06, 2015
  • HP Enterprise Services submitted a protest to the Government Accountability Office on March 9 of the $29 million award to Knowledge Consulting Group under task order 2.

    April 03, 2015
  • Former General Services Administration official Jeff Neely pleads guilty to one count of fraud in a case that started with the scandal surrounding a convention in Las Vegas. Brian Miller is Managing Director at Navigant, and he was Inspector General at GSA when the case against Neely began. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he shared his takeaway as he learns about the plea in the case.

    April 02, 2015
  • The ex-Public Buildings Service regional commissioner admitted to charging GSA for a vacation he took at the M Resort Spa Casino Las Vegas.

    April 01, 2015
  • GSA\'s Edward Meyman, Kris Rowley and Ryan Swann join host John Gilroy to discuss how to understand and analyze big data. March 31, 2015

    March 31, 2015
  • Kevin Youel Page, deputy commissioner for the Federal Acquisition Service, joins host Roger Waldron, to discuss the impacts of category management, and the future of the Common Acquisition Platform. March 31, 2015

    March 31, 2015
  • Guy Timberlake, chief visionary officer at the American Small Business Coalition, joins host Mark Amtower to discuss what small companies can do to generate more business with the government. March 30, 2015

    March 30, 2015
  • "I think a lot of well-intentioned acquisition reform legislation has had some unintended consequences," OFPP Administrator Anne Rung said at a recent meeting of the President's Management Advisory Board. Federal News Radio's Jason Miller examines what Rung is doing to fix those issues. This story is part of Federal News Radio's weekly feature, Inside the Reporter's Notebook.

    March 30, 2015
  • Over the last two years, agencies have done a better job collecting information about their real property holdings. The Office of Management and Budget hopes that now can lead the government to better decision making. But Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) plans to introduce legislation to add "more teeth" to the government's property disposal process.

    March 26, 2015
  • The General Services Administration launched the first-ever Public Participation Playbook. GSA said it will help federal agencies meet their open goverment priority goals. Justin Herman is SocialGov lead and manager of the Public Participation Playbook project at the General Services Administration. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how it works.

    March 25, 2015
  • David Mader, the controller of the Office of Management and Budget, will issue a memo today requiring agencies to set an annual square foot reduction target and to adopt space design standards for future office space. The Reduce the Footprint memo builds on the 2013 Freeze the Footprint policy that saw a reduction of more than 20 million square feet of office space.

    March 25, 2015
  • John Newby, commissioner of the Virginia Department of Veterans Services, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss what his agency is doing to help returning veterans who are transitioning to the civilian work force. March 24, 2015

    March 24, 2015