IT marketing legend Regis McKenna joins host Mark Amtower on this week's Amtower Off Center for a wide ranging discussion of his marketing philosophy and his experiences in working with clients Apple, Intel, 3Com and other companies in Silicon Valley in the 1970s and 80s. September 10, 2018
As we prepare for the new fiscal year, the Coalition for Government Procurement is providing its, “5 pillars for schedule modernization,” to assist the General Services Administration and the Veterans Affairs Department with modernizing the schedules program.
It's the day after Labor Day and federal contractors have a chance to weigh in on information technology policy.
Call it reform, call it tinkering around the edges. Whatever you call it, Congress is always making adjustments to the rules around federal procurement.
Carl Dickson, publisher of and analyzes the 2018 Federal Contractor Study and explains how small businesses can beat their much larger competitors for government contracts. September 3, 2018
Kevin Lynch, president and chief executive officer for the National Industries for the Blind will discuss the organizations mission, its role in the procurement system, and the evolving role of e-Commerce in federal procurement. September 4, 2018
OFPP has asked ACT-IAC to help find and share examples of agencies who are being innovative in federal procurement.
The 2018 fiscal year for the federal government comes to an end in a few weeks. What does that mean for contractors and what can they expect in FY 2019? Find out on this week's Amtower Off Center. August 27, 2018
After five years, experts say General Services Administration’s tool never did enough to meet customer’s specific acquisition needs.
The infusion of new contractors means that the OASIS program will be well-positioned to continue to deliver best value mission support to meet customer agency needs.
The VA bought a generic medicine from a company selling New Jersey-made tablets containing an active ingredient from India.
The new Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie said several new people will be taking top-level leadership positions at the agency shortly. Pamela Powers will be the department's new chief of staff and Chris Syrek will be VA's deputy chief of staff.
GSA’s Kay Ely, the assistant commissioner for the IT category, announced she will retire by Dec. 31 after taking on a 90-day detail to work on the agency’s merger with OPM.
Agencies got a big boost in appropriations midway through the fiscal year, making it harder than usual for them to write contracts to spend all of their appropriated funds.
The Defense Department's process for buying commercial items can take even longer than its traditional procurement system.