The additional money funds a variety of accounts, mostly ones that increase the capacity of the military by spending billions of dollars to procure more aircraft like the F-35 and build and restore ships for the Navy.
The plan will have five lines of effort focusing on everything from bases to workforce.
The Navy’s $222.9 million contract with CGI is at risk of collapse due to problems ranging from vendor performance to implementing an unsatisfactory and inflexible product to significant cost and schedule increases.
The funds would be taken from lesser used programs and savings from some procurement efforts.
The concerns came in the form of letters to Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), who solicited the military chiefs for their opinions.
Contracting officers can have interchanges with bidders, but they have to be done fairly, or else the bidder is likely to protest, as the Navy found out recently.
More than 75 years have passed since the Navy has had to repair several battle-damaged ships all at once. Now naval planners are wondering whether this capability might be needed once again.
The Navy, through its Office of Naval Research is pursuing artificial intelligence applications across a broad spectrum of the service’s responsibilities to man, train and equip, as well as warfighting, sustainment and readiness.
Navy planners believe unmanned, underwater vessels will eventually become an important component. Now an associate at the Naval Research Laboratory is close to a breakthrough.
The budget gets rid of the overseas contingency operations account and divests $2.8 billion in legacy systems.
There were at least 40,000 domestic abuse cases in the military over a five year period.
Officials expect some bumps along the way, but the Navy plans to onboard more than 200,000 users to a new cloud-hosted office suite starting next week.
Disparities in vaccine hesitancy could effect readiness, the authors state.
Four of the 18 rights have been stuck in negotiations with housing contractors.
The Navy wants to leverage some of the work its major contractors have already done on digital engineering, but legal issues and intellectual property rights pose challenges.