The Air Force Radioactive Recycling and Disposal Team handles low-level radioactive recycling and low-level mixed waste management in the Air Force and provides radioactive material recycling for the entire Defense Department.
There are a lot of reasons behind maintenance delays in the Navy's shipyards. But one, only recently uncovered, is that most of the supplies artisans need to do their jobs aren't on hand when the work starts.
The House Armed Services Committee is largely sticking with the Biden vision for the Defense Department next year, however, the 2023 Defense authorization bill still has a long way to go before it makes its way to the president’s desk.
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency is taking the lead on security clearance reform and expanding its new system of automated record checks.
The Defense Logistics Agency is working to grow an enterprise data management division within the office of its chief data and analytics officer, Lindsey Saul.
The House is sticking closely to the Biden budget and to appropriators but the Senate Armed Services Committee is feeling bolder in what it is approving in its legislation.
Deborah Loomis, senior adviser for climate change to the Secretary of the Navy, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk more about it.
DARPA's Embedded Entrepreneurship Initiative focuses on fostering an ecosystem favorable to innovative companies, not just individual innovations.