The Air Force is standing up a new human capital analytics office, hoping to make better use of the data it already has in order to help solve ongoing recruiting and retention challenges.
FedRAMP is boasting increased authorizations and return business, and the new dashboard is making it easier for feds to use the program.
The Chief of Naval Operations is in charge of manning, training and equipping the Navy. And Adm. John Richardson, the current CNO, says that means civilians too. In a bit of an unusual step for a military service chief, Richardson issued his own framework for improving the health of the civilian workforce on Friday.
For the better part of 15 years, the Army has canceled and otherwise dis-invested in new technologies and capabilities. That means its soldiers work with old equipment and capabilities increasingly matched by potential adversaries.
These episodes occur regularly, but it's always hard to watch.
The success of the next president's management agenda will largely depend on having the right senior executives to serve as champions for the administration's goals, as well as the right performance plans to hold them accountable and drive noticeable outcomes. That's the message the Performance Institute, along with a coalition of other federal management organizations, will send to both candidates.
The Pentagon’s startup-style outfit for reaching out to innovative companies may have cracked the code for speeding up DoD’s famously ponderous acquisition system.
The National Guard is trying to ease the transition for troops and businesses as it increases training days for some units.
Welcome to the #FedFeed, a daily collection of federal ephemera gathered from social media and presented for your enjoyment.
John Zangardi will take over for David DeVries as DoD's principal deputy CIO as the Pentagon makes major IT shifts.
The Air Force is thinking about its hiring practices and its physical requirements to better its force for the future.
The crucial partnership on military basics between the Defense Department and Congress is badly frayed, and the military will be the worse for it.
The Defense Health Agency is rationalizing the hundreds of medical devices, programs and applications within military hospitals to make sure that they first can achieve interoperability with the Pentagon's new electronic health record. DHA Director Rear Adm. Raquel Bono said a new definition of "interoperability" is driving the department's initial work with the EHR.
The Air Force is looking at how it assesses its officers to fit its needs with 21st century demands.
The Defense Department will begin the much-anticipated rollout of its new commercially derived electronic health records system in February, according to a new deployment schedule officials announced on Tuesday.