The Defense Department is going to miss its deadline to transition to Windows 10 by January 2017, but DoD CIO Terry Halvorsen says it won't miss it by much.
The United States Air Force Band, the premier Air Force musical organization, rehearses at its studio on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, D.C.
The Army is starting is Rapid Capabilities Office in hopes to speed up acquisitions of top priorities.
Not only is DoD largely unable to detect misuse of the cards on its own, officials responded slowly, inadequately or not at all even after auditors pointed out thousands of specific, glaring examples of misconduct involving casino gambling and adult entertainment.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology unveiled the third draft of its digital authentication standards. Among the many changes to the guidance is a new name, and the division of the original document from one to four sections.
A former DoD official says the 2017 defense authorization bill is as good as vetoed, but will it make it into law?
For nearly 10 years, the Defense Information Systems Agency has been working to provide secure cloud computing to DoD agencies. DISA now helps agencies use commercial providers in a secure way.
The DoD inspector general looked at 56 Army contracts awarded by five Army contracting shops to see whether the Army was consistent in evaluating past performance.
When trying to sell cars, Packard Motor used to say, ask the man who owns one. When it comes to the F-35 fifth generation fighter, the Air Force might want to say, ask the man or woman who flies one. That's what the Heritage Foundation did in creating comprehensive assessment of the new platform. JV Venable, senior research fellow for defense policy at Heritage, talks to Federal Drive with Tom Temin about his findings.
The Air Force has been busily trimming its headquarters staff, but the Government Accountability Office says it's been doing so without enough information. Andrew Von Ah, GAO’s acting director for Defense Capabilities and Management, talked with Jared Serbu on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
The Defense Department talks a big game on innovation, but that doesn't mean it's going to take big risks with investments.
Almost 40 groups sent a letter to Congress asking it remove a FOIA exemption for DoD in the defense authorization bill.
In today's Top Federal Headlines, the Defense Department is asking Congress for money to set up a screening facility at the Pentagon Metro stop, but some lawmakers aren't convinced.
Diving in the Navy rarely involves clear, blue water, sunlight and admiring the skates. It's mostly in the dark, and in dangerous environments. To help divers see, do more work and work more safely, the Navy is developing special equipment placed inside a diver's helmet. Dennis Gallagher, program manager at the Naval Surface Warfare Center's Panama City Division, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk about the new gear.
The Defense Department continues to be concerned about counterfeit parts making their way into weapons systems and virtually everything else it buys. The worries are that fake parts could cause mission critical systems to fail unexpectedly.