A former top-ranking State Department official is set to plead guilty for improperly helping a wealthy Gulf country try to influence U.S. policy and not disclosing on a government ethics form gifts he received from a disgraced political fundraiser
The community of inspectors general lost one of its leading lights recently with the death of former Interior Department IG Earl Devaney.
If citizens can't escape death and taxes, the IRS can't seem to avoid yearly processing problems. Even as the this year's filing season ended, the IRS was dealing with millions of returns from last year, to say nothing of slow call centers and poor in-person service.
Solar panels have a life cycle. The billions of panels covering roofs and once-pristine landscapes and maybe even your office building will all need to be disposed of and replaced at some point. Now the Energy Department has issued an action plan for how to safely and economically handle photovoltaic materials that have worn out.
System outages and patient safety concerns associated with the Department of Veterans Affairs' new electronic health record have led to top members of the House VA Committee calling for the agency to stop future rollouts.
Social media and text messaging are now a way of life for people in the military — they use the services to keep in contact with friends, for recruiting, to do their jobs, to find like-minded people or just to show their mom what they did today. Those platforms are also wrought with sexual harassment, bullying, hazing and intimidation directed at troops and perpetrated by them.
The 2022 fiscal year got compressed to six months. To help with their crucial acquisitions, many agencies have already turned to the General Services Administration. Staff at GSA's assisted acquisition services are busy, but it's not too late to get in.
The Percy Hobart fellowship aims to more closely link innovative elements of the private sector with the military.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Office of Personnel Management is giving formerly incarcerated individuals an opportunity to join the federal workforce.
Imagine getting injured or killed by a piece of ordnance months or years after a war has ended. Yet this occurs all-too-frequently around the world thanks to leftover land mines and unexploded shells and bombs.
The new approach aims to include most leases on the balance sheet for lessees and lessors, but getting ready for the change is not just an exercise for accounting.
The Commerce Department has been dealing with the internet and its implications since at least the mid-1990s, mainly through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
Ukraine and keeping aid flowing to that country, it's one of the few areas of bipartisan agreement on Capitol Hill.
Design to Delivery CEO Molly Gimmel, joins host Mark Amtower on this week's Amtower Off Center to discuss her new book: "Master Your Mindset: How Women Leaders Step Up."
Attorney Levi McAllister says FERC is focusing more on energy market trading, and on entities meeting those conditions.