A new report from the General Services Administration's Inspector General didn't have many nice things to say about its Multiple Award Schedule’s Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) pilot.
The fourth report in a year about the Transactional Data Reporting pilot continues to ring the same negative notes from the inspector general while GSA officials continue to push back against that tune.
Michael Gifford, a senior strategist at CivicActions, offers suggestions for how the federal government can borrow ideas and concepts from other countries to make sure all citizens can access federal services.
The Coast Guard has long worked to boost its capabilities of operating in the Arctic, an area of increasing importance to national security. Now the Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate will fund research aimed at helping other Department of Homeland Security (DHS) components operate in the Arctic.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s latest guidance outlines promising practices for federal agencies to prevent and address harassment in the workplace.
he Bureau of Prisons, an agency of the Justice Department, made two highly visible lists within couple of weeks. It placed at the very bottom of the list of Best Places to Work in the Federal Government, meaning its employees rank it as the worst place. And, it joined the three dozen other programs on the Government Accountability Office's High Risk List. For why it made the High Risk List, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke with GAO's Director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues, Gretta Goodwin.
The Office of Management and Budget, in a memo last month, called on deputy secretaries to develop Work Environment Plans that take a closer look at agency satisfaction scores for both employees and customers.
The U.S. Marine Corps is currently embarking on a restructuring plan know as Force Design 2030. It looks to reshape its combat power for future conflicts with near-peer adversaries, i.e. China.
The House Oversight and Accountability Committee raised concerns over OPM's role as both regulator and provider of talent acquisition systems, saying the dual position gives the agency an unfair advantage.
Five architectural firms are now at work on proposals for a brand new museum for the Navy. To learn more about why the Navy will build a new museum, as well as to hear about the Navy's vision for the new facility.
The House is in recess this week, but the Senate will hear more budget testimony and deal with judicial nominees. Federal Drive with Tom Temin got the outlook from Bloomberg Government Deputy News Director Loren Duggan.
In today's Federal Newscast: Newly introduced legislation would give FEHB participants more coverage for some assisted reproductive treatments. Two deadly helicopter crashes lead the Army to hold an aviation-safety stand down. And GAO gets a new CIO next week.
The Space Hour spoke with outgoing associate administrator of NASA's Space Operations Mission Directorate, Kathryn Leuders.
Senior executives say they are OK with the latest White House return-to-the-office guidance. The Office of Management and Budget issued the guidance a couple of weeks ago.
Inspectors General from science-based agencies told House lawmakers they are fighting an uphill battle against fraud in grant and other programs as funding flows from recent laws Congress passed.