Here are three news items you may have missed from the recent Emerging Technology and Innovation Conference sponsored by ACT-IAC in Cambridge, Md.
Raj Iyer, the Army’s chief information officer, said the Army’s IT and cybersecurity budget request is $16.6 billion in 2023, which is the largest of all DoD services.
In addition to providing a one-stop shop for contractors, VA is trying to build a culture of transparency on the IT side, in order to make it easier for vendors to integrate solutions.
The Biden administration, following a windfall of IT modernization dollars Congress approved through COVID-19 spending, is outlining its vision of how it will make the most of this money.
The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board adds customer service representatives to help participants who are frustrated with new account interface.
The CDAO team merges major Defense Department's tech efforts, bringing together a range of DoD innovation leaders.
“Digital modernization” is a phrase that can conjure excitement, hesitance and confusion, sometimes all at once. Within the federal government, digital modernization can span a range of applications, from automating back-end processes, to implementing data-informed decision making, to adopting low- and no-code platforms.
For years, the discussion around federal IT modernization has focused on the technology aspect, as agencies put in maximum effort to keep pace with the speed of innovation.
Sonny Hashmi, the commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service in the GSA, said agency and vendor feedback on the draft statement of work is critical to make sure Ascend is successful.
After a long stint as the deputy director of the center for information technology at the NIH, Stacie Alboum is about to head to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. At the ACT-IAC emerging technology conference in Cambridge, Maryland earlier this week, Federal Drive with Tom Temin caught up with Alboum to discuss what her new job will be all about.
By the end of the fiscal year, FEMA plans to put about 26 systems in the cloud as a way to improve mission and citizen services.
Raj Iyer, the Army’s chief information officer, said 20,000 soldiers and civilians will be among the first to use the new bring-your-own-device technology.
The Technology Modernization Fund is backing IT modernization projects at the National Archives and Records Administration and the Agriculture Department.
It's a part of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research's new strategic plan, which features a big emphasis on digital modernization.
The new EHR has proven to be a heavy lift, especially when it comes to a realistic and enforceable schedule.