
Getty Images/iStockphoto/baramee2554Retirement

People on the move: RRB CIO retires, IRS gets new CRO

White House’s Jake Braun and CISA’s Ross Foard are two more cyber leaders how who left federal service in the last month as the RRB is seeking a new CIO.

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DISA’s intel director laying the foundation for new J-2 shop

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DISA Defense Information Systems Agency Headquarters

DISA wants to automate 75% of cyber activities, but it’s nowhere near the goal

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army digital engineering

Army faces data overload but LLMs are not the answer

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AP Photo/Abbie ParrHarris

GSA developing EV battery strategy as foundation for proposed fleet expansion

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A big Defense cybersecurity requirement for contractors moves closer to reality

Not yet in effect, the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program rule is now at the White House for review.

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Paying down the cyber skills debt

How is the State Department strengthening the cybersecurity workforce?

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/Alexey Bragin

New strategy, A-123 update to help reduce improper payments

David Lebryk, the fiscal assistant secretary at Treasury, said a new strategy provides tools, best practices and guidance to improve federal payments.

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