Tom Temin

  • There are lots of reasons why its bad when politicians fail to appropriate money to keep the government going at the end of a fiscal year. This year's shutdown brinksmanship is sharper than ever. So what's so bad if the government shuts down for a few days or a month? Federal Drive Host Tom Temin talked about a list of reasons with Vice President of Research for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, Jeff Holland.

    September 22, 2023
  • The drive for economy and efficiency in government operations never ceases, especially when operational budgets don't grow like entitlements or grants budgets. So its up to leadership to foster a culture of ever-better productivity. Most don't to such a great job. Says who? Federal Drive Host Tom Temin's guest Bob Tobias, a long-time federal leadership professor, coach, and general smart guy.

    September 22, 2023
  • It's hard to believe that Richard Nixon left office nearly 50 years ago. Some seasoned observers well remember that that image of a waving Nixon boarding the helicopter, after resigning from office. Now the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, California, has a new director. Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Tamara Martin.

    September 22, 2023
  • Shutdown countdown on your mind? Tired of congressional vilification? You might be thinking of how great a private sector job would be. Think twice. Many civilian public servants and military people do have great post-government careers. But the private sector offers no guarantees either, and a government or military career may not necessarily have prepared you for work outside of government.

    September 21, 2023
  • As autumn brings renewed thoughts of financial plans, Open Season for the federal health benefits plans is approaching.

    September 21, 2023
  • September is suicide prevention month, with lots of prevention information coming out of places like the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. A year in, the federally-backed 988 suicide prevention line has received millions of calls. But now we take a moment to celebrate how service dogs can help with the persistent problem of veteran suicide. For details, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin talked with Cole Lyle, the Executive Director of the Veterans Advocate group called, "Mission Role Call."

    September 21, 2023
  • In today's Federal Newscast: OMB Director Shalanda Young warns that a continuing resolution could discontinue hiring. CQ Brown gets the green light to replace Mark Milley. And the GSA IG says the water in some federal buildings could give you Legionnaires’ disease.

    September 21, 2023
  • In today's Federal Newscast: Two congressmen are raising concerns about child care for essential workers during a government shutdown. D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton has introduced a bill to keep the D.C. court system open during a government shutdown. And a conference committee prepares to hammer out differences over the annual defense authorization bill.

    September 20, 2023
  • The CARES Act, enacted during the pandemic, let the government reimburse contractors for employees on paid leave: Those who could not access federal work sites or work remotely. One company took the money, then later faced a demand from the Navy for a $4 million reimbursement. It gets ugly. For more, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Haynes Boone partner Zach Prince.

    September 20, 2023
  • The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has a difficult mission. It must constantly assess the condition of the nation's nuclear warheads. Explosive testing has been banned under international treaties for decades. It's been spending billions on new instruments deep underground. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found that the NNSA needs to tighten up its program management. For more, Tom Temin spoke with the GAO's Director of Natural Resources and Environment, Allison Bawden.

    September 20, 2023
  • Dozens of Drug Enforcement Administration agents are on the job without having taken a mandatory polygraph examination or, in some cases, they failed the test. This, according to a look-see by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General. For more, and what's happened since this discovery, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

    September 20, 2023
  • Managed care. It's a substantial part of the gigantic Medicare program. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services figures half of Medicare enrollees gets health care from the Medicare Advantage program. In the words of the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, the growth of managed care has transformed how the government pays for and covers health care. This for 100 million people. That's why the IG has made managed care a top priority. For more on its new strategic plan, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with the Senior Adviser for Managed Care in the OIG's Office of Audit Services, Carolyn Kapustij. 

    September 19, 2023
  • With continuing resolution discussions seeming to nowhere, the chances of a government shutdown are rising. Contractors and federal employees will feel it first. For more, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with David Berteau, President & CEO of the Professional Services Council, who has developed a contractor checklist that might help you.

    September 19, 2023
  • The Build Back Better Act, passed nearly two years ago, secured over $2 trillion for many aspects of the Biden Administration's agenda, one of which includes infrastructure projects for state and local governments. But accessing grant money isn't as simple as sending a Venmo request. There's a lot that goes into showing exactly how and what the money would be used for, a process not many know how to navigate. To help, members of Congress have introduced a bill tasking the Economic Development Administration to make itself available to aide local governments in predevelopment procedures. One of those congressmen is Louisiana's Troy Carter, who spoke with Federal Drive Executive Producer Eric White about the Economic Empowerment Through Predevelopment Act. 

    September 19, 2023