In today's Federal Newscast, the General Services Administration’s service continues to be in the crosshairs of House lawmakers.
Congress has gone into a two week recess, however the entirety of the debt ceiling debate took up a lot of time that could've been used to address other confirmations and hearings. So that mean it's going to be a busy summer once members return.
Homeland Security isn't the only department dealing with an ongoing border crisis. Health and Human Services has a big job too. It's Office of Refugee Resettlement has struggled with the task of making sure unaccompanied children are properly taken care of. It's got a mixed record.
Last month, the Defense Department announced $18 million in Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research or DEPSCoR awards to 28 academic teams. The teams hail from all parts of the country and the competition aims to help introduce potential researchers to DoD’s unique research challenges and supportive research ecosystem.
The nation seems to have both more problems and more government than ever. Federal Drive host Tom Temin's interview guest makes the case in a new book, that more collaboration with what he calls bridge-builders will be more effective than the traditional approach.
Can a federal department have an institution. Health and Human Services does. Its institution is a person: Bill Hall, who recently retired after — get this — 43 years in public affairs.
In today's Federal Newscast: The House Armed Services Committee sends an $874 billion defense bill to the House floor. The Government Accountability Office said the military health care system still needs to complete Congressionally-mandated reforms. And the Senior Executives Association has a new president.
Not all human trafficking takes place in trucks and boats. Sometimes perpetrators fly their victims around.