The Veterans Affairs Department, Congress and Government Accountability Office all agree: an outdated and inflexible hiring process and serious shortcomings with the department's human resources functions are prohibiting the agency from quickly filling at least 45,000 open health care positions.
Karlease Kelly, the chief learning officer at the Agriculture Department and the chairwoman of the federal Chief Learning Officer’s Council, said applying shared services to agency LMSs could bring some standardization in the services and the cost to the government.
Employees who handle veterans benefits claims and the disability claims backlog, as well as some cybersecurity professionals, are among the Veterans Affairs Department's additional hiring freeze exemptions. VA Secretary David Shulkin announced more exemptions in a March 13 memo to staff.
A year-long task force wants the Defense Department to change childcare, TRICARE and the "up or out" system.
The senior executive service faces an unprecedented time where criticism is rampant, the environment is fast-paced and the retirement bubble teeters on popping.
Draining the swamp may sound like a good idea, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it's a job that might be a lot bigger than it first seems.
We're 50-some days into the federal hiring freeze, so how's it going where you are? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says this freeze, like those imposed in the past, is hardly solid.
House Armed Services Committee aides say they want to keep a close eye on the personnel reforms put in place by the 2017 NDAA.
The Navy is implementing its leadership framework, just as the Marine Corps photo scandal is getting bigger.
Jeff Neal, former chief human capital officer at DHS, tells agencies they need to be planning today for a significant reduction in Fiscal 2018.
The Office of Personnel Management granted additional exemptions to the President's temporary hiring freeze. OPM and the Office of Management and Budget gave agencies permission to ask for others if they fall outside of the administration's original exemption guidance.
Official time has been a hot topic for House lawmakers this week. A new bill would limit official time for all employees at the Veterans Affairs Department and would set special limits for doctors and other workers involved in direct patient care.
The General Services Administration is loaning out Norman Dong, commissioner of the Public Buildings Service (PBS), to the private sector. Dong's departure leaves a vacancy in GSA's top leadership, as the agency works to plan a new FBI headquarters and answer questions regarding conflicts of interest around the Trump International Hotel.
Top military service officials President Trump's federal hiring freeze is causing problems for those in the military.
Significant cuts to EPA's state programs and workforce have sent agency executives and employees' unions scrambling to get a better understanding of what direction the Trump administration wants to take the department.