The Navy's newest approach to responsible drinking is only a download away.
The Defense Department's civilian workforce is in Congressional crossfire.
The Merit Systems Protection Board seeks additional resources in its fiscal 2015 budget request to improve staffing and IT infrastructure. The agency is working through more than 32,000 furlough appeals in addition to its regular workload and also expects a wave of administrative judge retirements.
After years of flat or even declining staffing levels at agencies across the federal government, the Obama administration wants most agencies to begin staffing up again. In fact, President Barack Obama's fiscal 2015 budget proposes the largest governmentwide staffing increase since 2009.
Nearly three in every 10 new employees hired by the federal government have worked for Uncle Sam before -- in uniform. But even as the federal government has found success onboarding veteran employees, new questions have been raised about the workplace environments veterans are encountering.
For far too long federal agencies have looked to the training budget as one of the first places to cut (after travel) when budgets are tight. Training cuts are among the most shortsighted of the budget-cutting options, says former Homeland Security CHCO Jeff Neal.
General Gary Profit, senior director of military programs at Walmart, will talk about the company's initiative to hire more veterans. February 21, 2014
A recent report from the Merit Systems Protection Board reveals that cursory assessments of training and experience are often unreliable indicators of how employees will actually fare on the job. MPSB's John Ford tells the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp what hiring managers can do to up their hiring game. Plus, Sam Davis, vice president of AMA Enterprise Government Solutions, discusses how hiring flexibilities will boost agencies' efforts to hire the long-term unemployed.
Evan Lesser, co-founder and managing director of, will give his take on the State of the Union's impact on federal hiring in 2014. February 7, 2014 (Encore presentation February 14, 2014)
Kathryn Sullivan, the acting under secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, sent an email to staff today announcing she was lifting the hiring freeze ban on non-mandatory training NOAA put in place last year to offset the impact of sequestration.
General Gary Profit, senior director of military programs at Walmart, will talk about the company's initiative to hire more veterans. January 24, 2014 (Show originally aired January 10, 2014)
The National Weather Service Employees Organization (NWSEO) says the agency blamed lack of funds when it implemented a hiring freeze last March. But the union says NWS budget documents posted to its website show the agency actually ended fiscal 2013 with $125 million in unspent funds. NWS officials dispute the union's contentions that they agency left money on the table. The union's concerns over agency vacancies were the focus of recent arbitration hearings.
Weakness in the private-sector economy has let the Pentagon spend fewer dollars on recruiting efforts over the past several years. It still beat its targets for both the quantity and quality of new enlistees and officers it brings into its ranks. But officials believe things could get more difficult.
Katherine Archuleta has spent her first few months as director at the Office of Personnel Management learning, listening and asking questions to figure out how to ensure continuous improvement. Archuleta said she expects a new plan to improve the agency's technology by the end of February.
General Gary Profit, senior director of military programs at Walmart, will talk about the company's initiative to hire more veterans. January 10, 2014