BGov analyst Kevin Brancato discusses sequestration's effects on the Defense Department. Federal employment attorney John Mahoney discusses what feds should consider when making the move to leave their agency and find another job.
On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts will discuss three companies that may benefit from sequestration, rules that could slow the adoption for electronic health records, and the latest on Dodd-Frank. September 6, 2012
On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts will discuss the GOP convention in Tampa, preparations for sequestration, and what caused the budget crisis. August 30, 2012
Jamal Mazrui of the FCC previews an event next week to invite app developers to make more disability-accessible products. Procurement lawyer Joe Petrillo breaks down a decision on the 8(a) program that was 17 years in the making.
On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss growth potential at the Veterans Administration, the Affordable Care Act's impact on drug companies, and a preview of the 2012 Democratic and Republican conventions. August 23, 2012
On this week's Capital Impact show, guests discuss how the Paul Ryan budget plan would affect federal spending, how NASA would be affected by sequestration, and two new mobile apps for this year's Democratic and Republican conventions. August 16, 2012
Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo talks about a possible debarment for a defense contractor. Bloomberg analyst Jason Wilson discusses cybersecurity spending. Lou Milione of the DEA recounts the hunt for the "Merchant of Death."
On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts will discuss which cybersecurity companies are being targeted for mergers and acquisitions. Plus, what's next in the internet tax debate and how are companies benefiting from the R&D tax credit. August 2, 2012
BGov's Kevin Brancato explains how tight budgets are reversing a trend from best-value to best- price in government contracting. And the GAO looks at the effectiveness of food recalls.
On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.
Senate Bill 3285 would grant Russia permanent normal trade status, requiring the U.S. to provide Russia with tariff and trade treatment that's no less beneficial than what the U.S. applies to any other country with the same status.
Bloomberg Government Federal Business Analyst Brian Friel talks about why multiple award contracts have become so popular and where the government market is headed. July 24, 2012
On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, defense analysts examine which types of contractors would be most affected by sequestration. Plus, how are corporations spending money on the presidential election?
Federal contractors will have more multi-award contracts to bid on this year, but the number may decline in future years, as agencies consolidate their buying into bigger deals.
Companies specializing in health technology, surveillance and services for military special operations bucked the decline in federal contract spending last year, according to a Bloomberg Government report.