Booz Allen Hamilton

  • GSA also renews a contract to improve its human resources shared service provider effort. The Federal Acquisition Institute will hold an industry day in November to discuss two new solicitations.

    October 08, 2012
  • RSA and Booz Allen Hamilton said they will jointly develop new information security products and offer them as managed services.

    September 20, 2012
  • Michael Isman, vice president of Booz Allen Hamilton, says agencies adopting a bring-your-own- device strategy should do so as part of their larger digital strategy.

    August 15, 2012
  • Melanie Pustay of the Justice Department discusses FOIA requests. Tim Burke talks about GSA's City Pairs Program. Booz Allen Hamilton's Michael Isman reviews the benefits of BYOD. The Hill's Jeremy Herb offers his take on the Republicans' vice presidential candidate.

    August 15, 2012
  • Two former federal human-capital experts joined In Depth with Francis Rose for a for a conversation about leadership and management at federal agencies: Jeff Neal, former CHCO at the Homeland Security Department, now a senior vice president at ICF International; and Ron Sanders, the first CHCO of the Intelligence Community, who's now a senior executive adviser at Booz Allen Hamilton.

    June 18, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    May 19, 2012
  • Brian Friel, Bloomberg Government federal business intelligence analyst, authored a report that said a new contracting trend is putting a cash-squeeze on some firms.

    April 24, 2012
  • The Air Force lifted a suspension on Booz Allen Hamilton's office in San Antonio, Texas, after Booz Allen took responsibility for the improper disclosure of sensitive information on a pending contract.

    April 16, 2012
  • Charles De Sanno from the Department of Veterans Affairs and Booz Allen Hamilton's Ilene Yarnoff will talk about mobile apps and mobile security issues in the federal workplace. April 6, 2012

    April 06, 2012
  • The Association of Government Accountants recently released recommendations on how federal agencies can cut improper payments as a way to cut costs.

    November 28, 2011
  • October 25th, 2011 at 12 PM A distinguished panel of top experts from government and industry, will explore market incentives that may or may not currently exist to stimulate greater corporate investment in cybersecurity protection measures. Such business drivers may include the consideration of relating proactive cybersecurity activity to a favorable valuation of company performance, liability protection measures such as insurance coverage for cyber vulnerabilities, or statutory liability protection. The panelists will explore the likelihood that these or other market incentives may emerge across industry and government to enhance our collective defense against sophisticated cyber threats.

    October 10, 2011
  • Office of Management and Budget Director Jack Lew said the White House will be less dictatorial and more collaborative in finding spending reductions that work for each agency, individually. Lew would not rule out further changes to federal employee pay and benefits. Agencies are encouraged to work with stakeholders, especially Congress, from the beginning of the process to what the cuts should be.

    September 28, 2011
  • Booz Allen Hamilton is coming clean about an alleged attack by hacker group Anonymous. Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update.

    July 14, 2011
  • A major government contractor may be the latest victim of the hacker group called Anonymous. Learn more in today\'s Cybersecurity Update.

    July 12, 2011