Booz Allen Hamilton

  • It may be another 9 months until the football season returns, but federal managers have another team sport they can play in the meantime. It's called innovation. Yes, innovation is not a contact but a contract sport at least according to the Partnership for Public Service. Ron Sanders, principal author of the new study on how agencies can team up with industry and academia, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to share how you can play without getting hurt.

    February 12, 2016
  • A group of former and current federal executives advise against making the mobility provisions in the executive order to reform the Senior Executive Service too narrow.

    December 03, 2015
  • “They face concerns about their economic security and they face concerns about their isolation from the larger community, from family and friends, and everyday Americans,” Kathy Roth-Douquet, president and CEO of Blue Star Families, told Federal News Radio Custom Media Director Jason Fornicola on this week’s In Focus. “By actively seeking to employ military spouses and train them in portable careers, we can help address that very difficult issue without impacting the federal government budget. And in terms of creating connections, Blue Star Families runs a number of programs to help connect Americans to the militaries in their community.

    December 01, 2015
  • “The cellphone and Skyping has really, on the one hand, been great for families but it’s also caused tremendous stress because there’s no mystery,” Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen, founder and president of Give an Hour, told Federal News Radio Custom Media Director Jason Fornicola on this week’s In Focus. “You can see your loved one; you can tell often that they’re really struggling on both sides of that line.”

    November 24, 2015
  • “Too many military families continue to be burdened with the uncertainty over the future, their finances, and the effects of the future deployments will have on their lives,” Andrea Inserra, senior vice president of military health for Booz Allen Hamilton told Federal News Radio Custom Media Director Jason Fornicola on In Focus. “Studies by Blue Star Families and the Department of Defense also show the feelings of disconnectedness. Around 90% of our military families still continue to feel that the communities that they live within don’t truly understand their lives.”

    November 10, 2015
  • Derrick T. Dortch talks to Ron Sanders, vice president and fellow at Booz Allen Hamilton and former associate director of National Intelligence and the first Chief Human Capital Officer for the U.S. Intelligence Community. October 16, 2015

    October 16, 2015
  • Congress is up against several deadlines when it comes back from recess next week. It's not just the Dec. 11 date, when the continuing resolution expires. The debt ceiling problem needs a solution by Nov. 5 and highway funding expires Oct. 29. One possible solution to the budget deadline is another CR that would last through the rest of fiscal 2016. Bob Hale, a fellow at Booz Allen Hamilton and former Undersecretary of Defense Comptroller, told In Depth with Francis Rose no CR is good for the department or the government.

    October 12, 2015
  • GSA made an award to Booz Allen Hamilton under the OASIS multiple award contract on behalf of the Defense Department for a host of global threat mitigation services.

    September 28, 2015
  • Sharon Burke, senior adviser at the New America Foundation, and Ron Sanders, vice president and fellow, Booz Allen Hamilton, count down the week's top stories with Francis Rose.

    September 18, 2015
  • DHS and GSA choose Booz Allen and HP Enterprise Services to provide tools and services under two task orders under the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program.

    August 31, 2015
  • The General Services Administration's Western Regions Conference scandal still leaves a bad taste in the mouths of some agencies. Spending on government conferences dropped $3 billion between 2013 and 2010. And the Office of Management and Budget told agencies to cut travel spending by 30 percent back in 2012. But federal employees gain some benefits from conferences that money can't buy. Bob Hale is a fellow at Booz Allen Hamilton, former undersecretary of defense comptroller and former executive director of the American Society of Military Comptrollers. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose why conferences are still valuable.

    August 19, 2015
  • The federal government is falling behind in its efforts to hire a new cohort of cybersecurity experts. And agencies can't keep up with the perks some top-tier private companies offer. That's according to research the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton put out earlier this year. A few agencies recently hosted the winners of the National Collegiate Defense Cyber Competition to show them what they might expect from a government job. More now from Federal News Radio's Emily Kopp.

    August 04, 2015
  • The Defense Department wants to change some of its personnel policies for the first time in decades. Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Brad Carson is working on series of recommendations as part of the Pentagon's Force of the Future initiative. Those recommendations are due to Defense Secretary Ash Carter by Aug. 19. Ron Sanders is the vice president of Booz Allen Hamilton and former chief human capital officer for the Office of the Director for National Intelligence. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about a war gaming exercise he participated in and what the future of the defense workforce might look like.

    July 23, 2015
  • Geographic information systems and intelligence have been converging for a while now. Now nearly all forms of information are available in digital form. The challenge is integrating them. That discipline is called GEO-INT. Former Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen is now an executive vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton. As a long-time user of both geographic information and intelligence, he joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive how this data convergence is changing the intelligence landscape and even his own company.

    July 10, 2015