chief human capital officers

CHCO Council, HR

Treasury’s Heller-Stein stepping in to lead the CHCO Council

Colleen Heller-Stein, former deputy CHCO at the Treasury Department, is the first-ever career federal executive to serve as executive director CHCO Council.

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Graphic By: Derace Lauderdaleearly career, skills-based hiring,workforce, diversity

Workforce cohort outlines specific ‘blueprint’ for civil service reform

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Workforce-in office

For agencies, limited resources are a major challenge to scaling workforce innovations

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/scyther5best places to work in the federal government, small business, VBA

Heading into 2024, OPM ‘fundamentally rethinking’ federal hiring

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkADA, Return to Office

Agencies moving toward OPM’s long-term goals for DEIA in FEVS

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Agency chief human capital officers convene for 2023 fall forum in September. Image credit: Office of Personnel Management.

3 agencies that improved their FEVS response rates this year — and how they did it

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Office of Personnel ManagementGroup of current and former OPM directors and deputy directors attend CHCO Council 20th anniversary celebration and awards ceremony

The CHCO Council’s role is growing, but major recruitment and retention challenges remain

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Networkmanagement workforce

CHCO Council looks to scale, replicate successful pilots for federal hiring reform

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Network

Biden administration outlines how agencies can measure progress toward PMA goals

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Poike)Men is typing on laptop computer keyboard

How two agencies are thinking about a post-pandemic, partially remote federal workforce

Agencies considering long-term implications of a partially remote or hybrid workforce, everything from recruitment and professional development to leased…

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Former VA CHCO steered $5M training and development contract to friends, IG says

The contract resulted in $5 million of waste, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs inspector general.

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Reflections on 41 years in and around government

Ready to retire, columnist Jeff Neal reflects on his more than three decades in and around federal government, and the lessons he’s learned.

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