Customs and Border Protection said it rescinded weather and safety leave schedules for some officers to prepare for a potential influx of migrants at the southern border who might carry the virus. But the National Treasury Employees Union said the decision puts CBP officers at unnecessary risk at time when border traffic is down.
The Defense Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released memos late last week outlining how contractor officers can implement a provision of the stimulus spending bill to pay contractors if they can’t work because of the coronavirus pandemic.
In today's Federal Newscast, as more assets and money are being distributed for coronavirus response, there are those looking to take advantage of the current situation.
Sean Connelly, the Homeland Security Department’s TIC program manager, said new interim guidance letting remote workers connect to cloud services is heavily influenced by pilots that proved that flexibility and security don’t have to be opposite sides of the same coin.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Pentagon says servicemembers who get special incentive payments for hazardous assignments can still get their bonuses – even if the pandemic is stopping them from carrying out those missions.
In today's Federal Newscast, coronavirus cases among federal employees are piling up across the country.
GSA and DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) told agencies that the Zoom for Government platform, which runs on a government community cloud and has received a Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) moderate level approval under the cloud security program known as FedRAMP, is an agency’s best option.
Government contractors are changing the way they are communicating with their clients and seeking more details for how to continue to meet mission needs.
A summary of agencies' chief human capital challenges from the Office of Personnel Management points to the General Schedule as the "single greatest obstacle" to competing with the private sector for critical talent. It's second report in as many weeks from the federal community that describes major challenges with decades-old civil service systems.
The threats to the U.S. are rapidly evolving. That's prompted think tank The Atlantic Council to launch a big review called The Future of DHS project.
In today's Federal Newscast, Defense Secretary Mark Esper is directing that anyone on DoD property wear a cloth mask if they can’t consistently keep a six-foot social distance from other people.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will release a telework-focused temporary Trusted Internet Connections 3.0 directive to give agency networks some relief as more employees are working remotely.
In today's Federal Newscast, three federal agencies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together in using 3D printing technology to build devices and objects used to treat coronavirus.
Some agencies are struggling to vet and issue credentials to new employees during the coronavirus, as some federal facilities that collect and process fingerprints are closed.
In May, DHS awarded its new CDM dashboard contract which was intended to bring better scalability, performance, visualization and analytics to agencies.