Department of Homeland Security

  • Thirty children from 19 countries are sworn in as U.S. citizens, during a special Halloween-themed ceremony Friday at the USCIS Washington District Office.

    November 02, 2015
  • The Office of Management and Budget released its annual guidance for Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) reporting and the cybersecurity strategy and implementation plan (CSIP) for civilian agencies. Both of these documents are part of the broader change happening across government to improve cybersecurity.

    November 02, 2015
  • FEMA may have improperly handed out $250 million in disaster relief funds to Hurricane Sandy survivors who were already covered by their own insurance companies. That's according to a new audit by Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General, which used data analytics tools to spot potential improper payments. The OIG found up to 29,000 Sandy aid applicants may have gotten the payments even though they had insurance. John Kelly, assistant inspector general for Emergency Management Oversight at DHS, talked about the findings with In Depth guest host Jared Serbu.

    October 29, 2015
  • With all of its financial, acquisition, human capital, contracting, asset and security data in one place, as part of a big project known as the Management Cube, the Homeland Security Department is now starting to tackle phase two of that initiative, drawing connections and relationships between all of those disparate data sources. The department hopes having clearer picture of its assets and well-defined processes for data will better align its resources with the department's five core missions. Rafael Borras, a partner at AT Kearney and the former under secretary for management at DHS, told In Depth with Francis Rose that getting the Cube up and running was one of his major projects

    October 28, 2015
  • The Homeland Security Department is getting a clearer picture now of its own asset portfolio. The department is working on the second phase of the DHS Management Cube. It's a tool that gathers and consolidates financial, acquisition, human capital, contracting, real property and security data from across all 22 DHS components. Kirsten Dalboe is the cube's program manager. She tells Federal News Radio's Nicole Ogrysko what kinds of information DHS is trying to tie together.

    October 27, 2015
  • The Department of Homeland Security is creating a technical review assessment, which may help program managers and acquisition officials improve program life cycles.

    October 26, 2015
  • The Homeland Security Department is working through phase two of its Management Cube initiative. The project gives the department a better view of its own financial, acquisition, human capital, contracting, asset and security data.

    October 23, 2015
  • The Department of Homeland Security's deputy secretary said a bill that would help the private sector share information with the government is much-needed. Critics of the bill worry about citizens' privacy.

    October 23, 2015
  • Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) wants more specifics from the Department of Homeland Security on 88 cases of extended paid administrative leave.

    October 22, 2015
  • Data problems continue to haunt the Obama administration's efforts to tame the government's property portfolio. But they are not the same problems of yesteryear.

    October 22, 2015
  • The House has passed a bill supporters say will streamline the agency's many moving parts by making management leaner and more efficient.

    October 21, 2015
  • John D. Cohen, professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University, says the National Terrorism Advisory System has sent our advisories in the past.

    October 16, 2015
  • DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said the department is considering revising the four-year-old National Terrorism Advisory System to keep pace with how threats have evolved.

    October 15, 2015
  • Homeland Security is expanding its Unity of Effort initiative to research and development programs. Faced with diminishing budgets and ever-growing threats, the Science and Technology Directorate at DHS is taking a new approach to how it prioritizes R&D funds. Dr. Reggie Brothers is the undersecretary for Science and Technology at DHS. He tells executive editor Jason Miller how he's ensuring a more holistic look at R&D programs through integrated product teams, or IPTs.

    October 14, 2015
  • Reggie Brothers, the undersecretary for Science and Technology at DHS, said he is spearheading a new program that creates integrated product teams (IPTs) to bring together all parts of the department. The goal is to prioritize investments for limited research and development funding.

    October 14, 2015