federal buildings

Department of Homeland Security

Vigilance is job one of the Office for Bombing Prevention

Jeffrey Dade, the technology integration section chief for the Office for Bombing Prevention in CISA, said tools and information is at the heart of its…

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A big uptick in federal agencies’ deferred facility maintenance backlogs

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21st century watchword: Keep out

Until sometime in the 19th century, people could wander into the White House. An open street ran between it and the Treasury Department into the 20th century.

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Tom Temin

Memo to FBI: Build it right

FBI Director Jim Comey should drive out to the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency campus on the outskirts of Fort Belvoir.

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David Wise: Finding reliable data on federal real estate

It’s no secret that property management is no easy task for the government, which has to manage a massive portfolio of thousands of buildings. Part of the problem is that it’s hard to get a clear picture of what the government owns because of agencies’ inconsistent approaches to counting facilities and different definitions for real property. David Wise, director of physical infrastructure issues at GAO, joined In Depth guest host Jared Serbu to discuss data reliability in federal real estate.

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