Members of the CHCO council, the National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations and the Federal Managers Association will talk about how to improve performance management. July 20, 2012
Agency leaders, employee unions and associations are recommending ways to improve upon the age-old problem of supervision in the federal workforce. They\'re hoping to reassure employees that they\'re being treated fairly, while showing the public that the government is working efficiently. The President\'s Labor-Management Council is reviewing the plan.
One of the challenges now is how to keep morale up as your agency, and even department funding goes down. We get tips from FMA\'s George Smith.
Federal News Radio Senior Correspondent Mike Causey brings an update of federal managers\' mood from the Federal Managers Association conference in Arlington, Va.
FMA joins the show to discuss its National Convention and Management Training Seminar. Find out what you can expect if you attend the event. February 11, 2011
Pat Niehaus, the National President of the Federal Managers Association, discusses how federal employees have become the country\'s scapegoats.
There\'s a perception that it\'s almost impossible to be fired from a government job. Patricia Niehaus, national president of the Federal Managers Association, debunks the myth.
Jessica Klement of the Federal Managers Association joins Federal News Radio Senior Correspondent Mike Causey on this week\'s Your Turn to discuss why she and her organization think it\'s only a matter of time before more feds telecommute.
This week, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey talks with Jessica Klement of the Federal Managers Association about why she feels telework is here to stay, no matter how Congress votes late Wednesday.
Sometime in the next few weeks, the Senate is expected to take up a bill designed to strengthen the nation\'s cybersecurity infrastructure. The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved the legislation Thursday by voice vote.
By Max Cacas FederalNewsRadio The Office of Personnel Management has issued new guidance to all federal agencies designed to boost the number of feds eligible to telework. Included in that guidance is an idea that…