federal pay

  • How many hamburger flippers, box-store greeters and grocery store baggers does Uncle Sam employ? Short answer, not too many which Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says may explain while federal salaries are bigger than in many sections of the private sector.

    June 28, 2011
  • Not everyone thinks you’re being persecuted by all of the proposals to freeze your pay and cut your benefits. Federal News Radio Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has some comments from one of those people in…

    June 21, 2011
  • Congress is mulling a number of bills that could significantly change federal employees\' pay and benefits. Federal News Radio\'s Francis Rose asked Tammy Flanagan, Senior benefits Director for the National Institute of Transition Planning, to explain the potential impact.

    June 17, 2011
  • The administration has capped the amount federal agencies can spend on performance awards for employees.

    June 13, 2011
  • Fiddling around with your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account too much could hurt your wallet. Federal News Radio spoke with Tom Trabucco, director of external affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, about problems that could arise.

    June 06, 2011
  • Host Debra Roth is joined by Federal News Radio\'s Mike Causey, NARFE Legislative Director Dan Adcock, and World at Work\'s Lenny Sanicola to talk about pending legislation in Congress that would change retirement benefits for federal workers. May 20, 2011

    May 20, 2011
  • Director John Berry pushes back against claims from members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that federal employees are overpaid. Rep. Issa called the pay freeze a \"farce\" and wants step-increases frozen for this year. Berry and Democrat lawmakers continue to make the case that feds deserve their salaries.

    March 09, 2011
  • Under President Obama\'s proposed FY 2012 budget, federal employees\' pay would still be frozen for two years, military pay would be raised 1.6 percent, and hundreds of federal programs would be terminated and reduced.

    February 14, 2011
  • Some of the budget cutting ideas like pay cuts and freezes, furloughs and cutbacks are \"just crazy\" according to a federal employee union official.

    January 07, 2011
  • This was the first meeting with the seven new members appointed earlier this month by the President. National Treasury Employees Union President and FSC council member Colleen Kelley gave us the details from the meeting.

    November 24, 2010
  • The shattered lame duck session of the 111th Congress has limped back in town with lots of homework to complete in a short time. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it includes the federal pay raise (if any), job security issues, $250 payments for retirees and a new TSP perk.

    November 16, 2010
  • Ed O\'Keefe, the Washington Post\'s Federal Eye, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the results of the Post\'s poll on public perception of federal employees.

    October 18, 2010
  • A Washington Post poll and Rasmussen Reports survey both find public negativity toward federal employees and the government.

    October 18, 2010
  • Last week Republicans proposed a hiring freezeof non-security federal workers. That\'s just the latest GOP effort to target federal workers\' pay and hiring. So far these efforts haven\'t gone far, but that could change with a GOP takeover of Congress after the mid-term elections, The Washington Post reports.

    September 27, 2010
  • Are taxpayers getting a good value for their money? That depends on who you ask, and there is no way to answer that question unless a third party steps in. Federal News Radio explores this ongoing issue on In Depth.

    August 24, 2010